Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,203

took in the long scar that ran down his cheek. Even scarred, he was beautifully masculine and made the wound look sexy. Faderin smirked, noting how I studied his bare chest and scars that covered his sides and chest.

“I see you’ve seized the day and their Queen,” Faderin snorted, slowly lowering his gaze to the raven charm that dangled from my neck.

“I did indeed. Aria is very powerful and is going to turn the tables in this war, hopefully ending it faster than we’d anticipated,” Knox smirked, watching my reaction. “What do you say, wife?” His eyes narrowed as if he expected me to scream or make some sexual statement about how much he’d seized of me.

“I think you should fuck off and get bent, husband.” I smiled tightly. Knox’s eyes narrowed further yet, slowly dropping to my lips before rising once more. “But, as for seizing me. You seized the wrong queen. Anything else you wish to ask, bastard?” Fuck him and fuck them. I was right here, and I wasn’t some prized beast he’d captured to show off to his people. The anger burning in his stare caused my throat to tighten with the pain he was fully aware he was causing me.

“Does she bite as loud as she barks?” Faderin snickered. He reached forward to touch me, and my rattle sounded in warning, causing his eyes to widen while he lowered his hand to his side.

“Unfortunately, no, Fade,” Knox snorted, dropping his eyes to my lips. “She doesn’t bite at all.”

I glared at the men staring at me, oblivious to the others who openly gawked. They studied my face before sliding their attention to Knox. They rattled low as their attention moved back toward me, settling on my face as my rattle answered the call of theirs. The moment it stopped, they paused, waiting for more.

“Do it again,” Gideon whispered, stepping closer as he stared at my chest. “Make that noise again, woman.” I glared at him, then Fade’s hand lifted, brushing his knuckles down my cheek, and Ember purred as if she enjoyed the attention.

“That is amazing,” Fade uttered, continuing to touch me. Knox watched without intervening. “She does both, which means she can be bred, brother.”

“If I can punch you in the throat without having to move my feet, then you’re in my personal space,” I warned, stepping back, only to inhale Greer’s scent.

“Are you sure she doesn’t bite, brother?” Fade asked, his eyes searching mine while ignoring my words. “How is this even possible?”

“She can speak for herself, asshole,” I growled.

“Can she now?” an unknown voice asked, entering the reunion. “She purrs, and she rattles, but she does not bite? Depressing if you asked me,” the newcomer growled. He moved in front of me as sapphire eyes, close to the color of Brander’s, clashed with mine. He was as tall as Knox, with heavily tattooed forearms, which he folded over his chest, glaring at me. “If she can’t bite, how is she to hold a throne? Or hold her tongue in the presence of her King? Maybe she needs to be muted. That way, she may learn her place and where she belongs within it, brother?”

“I have no intention of silencing her lips, Mateo. Aria is a force to be reckoned with on her own. She knows it, and soon, the world shall hear her rattling for me. I do not wish to change or control her mouth. I am mature enough to understand that with her outspoken brazenness comes the challenge to those around her. She has fire and a spark that could ignite the world if she knew how to wield it against her enemies. Aria’s mind was built for warfare, and my enemies will become hers, which benefits me and our kingdom. A queen reflects on her king and shows his strength to his enemies. The stronger the queen, the more strength the king who tamed her has,” Knox stated softly, staring at me with heat burning in his eyes.

“When waging war, you choose the strongest weapon to wield against your enemies, and I have done that. I wouldn’t have chosen a weak Hecate witch for the throne, nor my wife. Weak men choose weak women so they may become alpha to her by default. This little monster hiding within her pretty flesh knows who is her alpha, don’t you, Aria?”

“What, from the bottom of my heart, do you want me to say to that shit?” I snapped, rattling loudly as Copyright 2016 - 2024