Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,202

Aria’s very powerful, and now that I’ve married her, they can’t question my right to keep her. Aria can never unleash her magic or power on our people or threaten them because I have control over her.”

I swallowed past the anger his words ignited. Silently, I observed as Celia cried loudly and dramatically into Knox’s chest, holding him to her. He tightened his arms around her, whispering against her ear while holding my stare. I didn’t rattle a warning, nor did I care if he bent the whiney bitch over and gave her what she wanted in front of everyone.

She pulled back, bowing her head, pretending outrage while crying actual tears. Celia moved toward me, her eyes narrowing to slits as she stopped before me. “You’re nothing, and you’ll never be anything but the trash that this world intends to destroy, whore.”

“So I’ve been told, many times before,” I stated, holding her eyes that found me lacking.

“I hate that you’re forced to endure this ugly woman. Her hair is all colors of silver and dull. Her skin is ghostly, and she’s so—ugly. You must have found your wedding night tediously horrid.”

“Nights,” I corrected, watching her eyes grow wide with outrage at my words.

Her teeth ground together loudly while she glared at me. “You will find no welcome here, in my sister’s home, witch.”

“I didn’t expect a warm welcome here, or anywhere else for that matter. I’d be on my way out the door, but according to Knox, he never intends to let me go,” I taunted, and she lifted her hand and slapped me. I knew I couldn’t defend myself without others reacting to me as the aggressor. Instead, I took it soundlessly, without reaction.

I didn’t budge or wince as Celia held her hand against her chest, cradling it. I could feel the heat burning in my cheek while pain throbbed from the assault. I stared at her unwavering, not giving her the reaction she desired, which caused her hand to rise once more. Knox stepped between us, staring at my cheek before he turned, cupping hers softly.

“You cannot harm Aria, Celia. She must appear to be here willingly and remain unmarked. Do you understand?”

“My emotions are raw at knowing you were forced in this direction because of her and her murderous bloodline. This war has not been easy on me, either. I have waited day after day for your return, My King.”

Knox’s eyes softened for her. He nodded, smiling while he folded into her palm. He pulled her close, hugging her tightly. “I have returned, and all is as it should be.”

“Are you finished with the dramatics yet? Some of us want to welcome our brother home,” a deep, soothing voice interrupted the pathetic bitch trying to garner attention from Knox in any way she could. A tall man with dark hair and smiling, silver eyes clapped Knox on the back before pulling him into a bear hug. “Good to see you made it back in one piece, brother. Welcome home.”

“Gideon, I am glad to be home, and I see you have not starved in my absence,” Knox laughed, patting the large man on his back while his brother took me in with narrowing eyes.

“The rumors are true, then? Our King took their Queen?” Gideon asked, letting his gaze slide down my blue dress and low hanging waistline, exposing my curves and the raven necklace.

“I did, but then I’m certain your spies have been reporting everything that’s happened back to you. You think we didn’t discover them as we searched for enemies throughout our camp?” Knox snorted, lifting one brow as he stared at his brother pointedly.

“If you hadn’t, I’d have thought you were growing lazy, brother. Had they not reported back, I’d have found them unworthy to send to our enemy’s camp,” Gideon stated, watching me. “She’s easy on the eyes, brother. At least she’s not grotesque or deformed. I imagine your wedding night wasn’t hard on you at all. Nor the five days after that either of you hardly left the bed you shared.”

“Enough of politics,” another male snorted, moving up to the other side of Knox. He clapped him on the back hard enough that had it been anyone else, they would have crashed into me. “It’s about time you assholes returned.”

“Faderin, you miserable prick. I’ve missed your cankerous ass,” Knox snorted.

I studied the large male with darker blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. He slowly let his startling electric stare lock with mine. Silently, I Copyright 2016 - 2024