Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,201

a feminine voice, I saw a slim woman rushing toward Knox, jumping into his arms. She embraced him, smiling at him before she leaned forward to kiss him on his lips. As if she’d surprised even herself with the action, she pulled back laughing as she spoke loudly.

“Welcome home, My King.” She smiled shyly before stepping back to bow. “I am pleased you’ve returned to us whole,” she said demurely.

Knox leaned forward, kissing her forehead before cupping her cheek while grinning. “It is good to see you too, Celia. I do hope you didn’t give the staff too much hell with the welcome feast.” he teased, and I swallowed past the knot in my stomach caused by the tenderness in his voice.

“I would never do something like that, would I?” she asked, and Killian snorted behind her. “Killian!” she announced, moving forward to kiss his cheek chastely before turning her eyes back toward Knox, flirting openly with him. Blinking, I took in her face and instantly recognized this petite, blonde woman as the queen standing next to Knox in one of the possible futures that Karter had shown me.

“You so would,” Lore joined in, smiling. She leaned over kissing his cheek, then dismissed them to stare at Knox again with doe eyes.

“I heard you caught that murderous bitch you went off to chase. I do hope you removed her head and hung her body where the world could see it rotting.” Well, I must admit that I didn’t hate the part of that future where I removed her head.

I exhaled slowly, narrowing my eyes on her. Knox’s gaze slid toward me at her words. He smiled tightly, shaking his head as Celia moved closer to him, pushing her hand through the crook of his arm as she sidled up next to Knox.

“Not quite,” he admitted, and she patted his arm to ease the annoyance of his words.

“You’re the strongest, most primal man in the Nine Realms, My King. She’ll be handled accordingly soon enough, I’m certain of it.” Celia patted his arm, reassuring his male ego that he’d captured me.

“I got her, Celia. I just didn’t take her head. I found a much better option for her than death.”

“She’s a Hecate witch. The only thing to do with them is murder them and place them where the world can see that you’re King, and they’re nothing but garbage. What other use could they possibly serve?” Realizing her mistake at arguing with the king, she placed her hand against his unarmored chest. “I am sorry. My hatred for them is as deep as yours. I miss my sister every day, and your son, my nephew, very much. I still feel their absence deeply.”

“I know you meant nothing by it, Celia. Aria is the strongest Hecate witch in her line, and there are many ways in which I can use her. I believe she will be the key to evening the playing field against the witches,” Knox explained softly, uncaring that I was standing alone, listening to them.

“They must die for what they have done to Norvalla and us. If you say you have a plan for this vile whore, I am sure you know what you are doing, Love,” she leaned forward, kissing his cheek while his eyes met and locked with mine.

“I do, sweet girl. Meet my wife, Aria Primrose Hecate Karnavious, Queen of Nothing as she likes to call herself.” Her shocked, silverish-blue eyes slide to mine, hatred burning bright within them.

“You married her instead of just handfasting?” she snapped, stepping back to peer up at him questioningly.

“I did, therefore, claiming Hecate bloodline magic that I may use at will,” he stated, watching me.

“You put a Hecate witch on my sister’s throne?” Celia asked through feigned tears, lifting her hands to push her knuckles into them, forcing them out.

Knox smiled tightly, dismissing me. He pulled Celia against his body, rubbing her back while placing a kiss on the top of her head. “No, Aria will never sit upon a throne, nor hold power over anything in this realm. I would never do that to the memory of Liliana. Aria is mine now to do whatever I want. She will never rule this kingdom or any other. Once the Hecate witch sitting on her throne is out of the way, Aria will ascend as the High Queen of Vãkya. She will be nothing more than a puppet I use to rule their kingdom and the witches we allow to live. Copyright 2016 - 2024