Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,204

he rattled back, smiling with victory. He stepped forward to brush his lips softly against my forehead, and my spine arched for his beast.

“Greer, take the queen to her bedroom and lock her in for the night. She’s rather moody in her time of need. Be sure to give her anything she needs for our nest. Aria’s losing her battle against the compulsive need to build one in which to fuck me. I have a welcome home party to attend, Little Lamb. You’re not welcome to join us, considering your current disposition and state of need that is drawing every male’s attention in Dorcha by your scent. Not to mention, they’re even less thrilled with whom I married than I am.”

“Oh, that actually hurt my feelings…” I grabbed my chest and narrowed my gaze. “Oh, no, my bad,” I laughed soundlessly. “I have no more fucks or feelings to give you, Knox. I don’t want to nest with you, nor does Ember wish to nest for Lennox. You’re not worthy of us, or did you miss the memo when we passed on the opportunity to mark you?”

“Is that so? Who are you?” Knox whispered, and I closed my eyes.

“I am the flames that will build your fire. I am the heat that will fuel and feed your unquenchable cravings while igniting your darkest desires,” I whispered breathlessly, swallowing as my eyes narrowed angrily. “Who are you?”

“I am the strength when you are weak. I am the chaos within you that unleashes your unbridled lust. You are the storm within me, and I intend to feel it unleashed upon my skin.” Turning smugly to Fade, Gideon, and Mateo, Knox grinned, “And that, my brothers, is how you cage a wild animal and tame her shrew tongue. Don’t let her pretty eyes fool you, for the most beautiful skin hides the most rabid beasts. Aria is one of us but born with Hecate blood pulsing through her veins. She wields her sarcasm well, though, doesn’t she, brothers?”

“You know, Knox. I’ll stop being a sarcastic bitch when you stop being an asshole,” I hissed, turning to Greer as he frowned. “Knox has freed me for the night. Care to escort me to my newest cage? My husband is rather—disappointing, as per usual. Maybe you can find me someone that has enough stamina to sate my growing hunger. I’m rather ravenous tonight, and my mate forgot to feed me, yet again,” I stated loudly, moving with Greer as the courtyard stood in silence. “Turns out, Ember was right. He’s just not mate material and too stupid to live after all.”

“You do not speak to the king in such a manner!” Celia snarled, but Knox quieted her, stopping her before she could reach me. “She cannot get away with that!”

“She won’t, but how I choose to punish Aria is my business and mine alone, my sweet Celia.” Knox’s tone sent my teeth pushing through my gums, and I turned, lifting a brow as Greer continued moving us through the courtyard.

“I’ll secure you some food, Peasant. Remember, I am rotten meat and don’t taste good,” Greer snorted, patting my hand. I felt the courtyard watching us as we departed; their hatred ran deep and bore into my soul, crushing it. Once we were inside an empty hallway, Greer paused, turning to look at me through sad eyes. “You could make this easier on yourself if you just tried to get along with him.”

“He just allowed his dead wife’s sister to slap me in front of the entire courtyard. His brothers treated me as if I were some rare pet they could stroke and prod. He is making me into a monster, and he knows it, Greer. Yet when I act as they assume I am, he gets angry. I am trying to show them I am not a monster, or at least not the one they believe me to be.”

“You will always be a monster, Aria. You cannot escape what you are. You can only choose what type of monster you are to become. That choice is entirely yours to make.” Greer scowled while scratching the back of his head. “His heart is filled with ice. Returning to this palace with a new bride cannot be easy for him. The people loved Liliana greatly. They will see you as a necessary evil, but still evil. You want Knox to change? Light the fire within him again and melt the ice that encases his heart. You are Copyright 2016 - 2024