Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,170

she spoke. “I am your softness when the world becomes too hard. I am the tinder that ignites your flames and feeds your fire. I am your gentle when your hardness becomes too much to bear. I am the one you protect from your enemies. I am the woman who will bear your children and bless you with an heir to strengthen your line. I keep your secrets no matter the cost while treasuring your rough edges that most often cut. I build you up when others reach to tear you down, and I’ll take their spines to wear as my crown. I am Ember, Queen—I am your mate, Lennox.” The words tumbled from her lips as though on autopilot, and something settled deep into my soul, and he smiled as she pushed me forward, releasing her control.

Lennox moved onto the bed, and I placed my hand over his chest, pushing him back. “Ember! What just happened? How did you know what to say? Get back here and help me!” I pleaded while his eyes narrowed in a very angry, very masculine way that screamed he intended for this to happen one way or another. I purred and almost rolled my eyes at Ember’s lame version of help. Lennox’s eyes slid from black to blue and then black again.

I grabbed his throbbing cock, slowly watching his eyes narrow to slits. I straddled him, knowing that if this was going to happen, which it didn’t appear, I could avoid; I needed some control. Slowly, I ran my fingers over his velvety flesh, watching him study me.

“You’re going to hurt me, Lennox. It’s okay,” I whispered, holding his stare. Pushing him against my opening, I begged Ember to help me, even though she’d withdrawn to safety, just to watch me try to force him into my body.

“You’re made for me, Aria. Your hips will spread to take me. We will fit. I promise you that.”

Swallowing, I felt Ember within me, and my hips spread while arousal flooded my core. I pushed against him, watching where he entered my body. Ember added strength to my resolve, knowing if we didn’t do this, Lennox would. There was no way out of it, and I felt it deeper than he intended to penetrate me.

“Holy shit, you’re really doing this!” Ember exclaimed.

“One of us is! Pussy!”

“Uh, he’s about to destroy your pussy, so maybe we shouldn’t speak about that at the moment.”

I moaned, my eyes widening at the first taste of pain as Lennox stretched my body. I clenched against him, indicating that not even my body was okay with what was happening. Where the hell was Knox? He’d told me he intended to force this to happen, asshole.

“Yeah, you’ve pretty much taken just the head. We’re so fucked right now,” Ember laughed, and I cried out, which made her tense within me.

“You’re beautiful,” Lennox croaked huskily, continuing to watch as I forced him into my tight body. “Take it, woman, or I’ll be compelled to make you.”

“Working on it, asshole,” I growled, slamming down on him as a scream ripped from my throat, accompanied by Ember’s.

“Oh my gods, you took it all! Look at you go!”

“I’m going to die,” I whimpered.

“Look at you fucking me, woman. You’re the Queen of Beasts. You’re my monster, aren’t you, pretty girl?”

Lennox chuckled as I rocked slowly against his body. My head dropped back, and another scream ripped from my throat as pain echoed through me. It was a burning ache that left me clenching against him, trying to force him to finish prematurely. Like, seriously prematurely. Purring started in and out of the room, and I shuddered around him, unable to get past the pain he created while filling me until there was nothing left untouched inside of me.

His eyes shifted, and I saw a glimpse of oceanic-blue as I rolled my hips. His eyes went dark again as he growled, cupping my breasts with clawed hands. I shivered from the sensation of his claws caressing my nipples as I rode him, forcing his entire length into my body. Lennox laid back, watching me work for an orgasm. I grinned as I lifted and slid back down, burying him deep within me. Leaning over, I kissed his chest, forcing him to meet my eyes.

“I’m going to need you to stop being a lazy prick and fuck me like an animal, bastard. My pussy aches, and I need you to man-the-fuck-up right now.”

Lennox was up, pushing my legs against Copyright 2016 - 2024