Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,171

my chest, thrusting feverously in and out of my body, edging me closer to orgasm. Releasing my legs, he lowered his mouth and sunk his teeth into my throat. Lennox went hard, and Ember purred, her eyes slowly taking him in as he continued to move. A satisfying moan slipped from us both as I came around him. It was violent and beautiful, sending us both into wave after wave of endless pleasure.

“He’s all alpha, Aria. You have him purring. I am so proud of you!”

“Tell that to our vagina, bitch,” I groaned inwardly.

Lennox yanked me up against his throat, his hand holding my mouth there as my tongue slipped free, licking where he wanted my mark. He shuddered, filling me with arousal as everything went haywire. Ember growled and moved my hips as I clenched against his release. Pain turned to pleasure, and we both paused before moving harder, faster, rocking against him with our need growing.

“More,” I demanded, and Lennox chuckled.

“Greedy Little Monster, aren’t you, mate?”

My brain shut down, and everything went off-kilter. I wasn’t sure if Ember was in control or if we’d hit our limit, and autopilot had turned on. I felt Lennox growing, but I couldn’t stop. My body clamped down around him, sealing him into my opening. He purred, watching me through hypnotic eyes that burned with fiery flecks while he continued rocking, smiling at me with pride.

I moved my arms above my head and lifted my hips, meeting Lennox with every thrust. He lowered his hand between our bodies and began rubbing and flicking my clit, instantaneously sending me over the edge.

Mindlessly, I moved faster and harder, gripping his hips and forcing him deeper inside my body. Ember purred, clamping down around him while Lennox stared her in the eye, emptying himself inside our body as multiple orgasms rocked through me.

“Made for me,” Lennox uttered hoarsely. My body moved, knowing every slow-motion I made sent him shifting toward where he wanted to be. He wanted my womb, but fuck them both. They didn’t get it. “Do you see her beauty now, Knox? Did your woman ever do this for us? Aria is mine in every way, created by the fires in the Nine Realms to fan our flames and make us burn brighter, hotter. Aria is mine, asshole.”

Ember purred at his words, and I forced myself not to roll my eyes. My body released his, and he withdrew, slowly moving down to stick his nose into my sore vagina as he rubbed his knuckles against me.

My eyes slid closed, relief washing through me that it was over, but Lennox jerked back and clamped his fingers on my chin, forcing my eyes to open. He shook me violently, and I shoved him away. Flipping onto my stomach, I raised my ass in the air and spread my legs, turning my head to show him I was still awake.

Lennox didn’t waste any time. He was inside of me, thrusting and destroying me within seconds of me presenting him with my ass. His teeth pushed through the scar on my shoulder, and I exploded. My body hummed with power as I purred loudly, feeling him emptying again within me.

Sometime later, sleep finally grasped me with vicious claws, and I succumbed, ignoring Lennox and Knox while they argued.

“Next time, Lennox is mine. Now you’ve taken them both and know Knox is stupid because he also fought his beast. You married the man; you also get the beast. Now, what we do next is your choice, Aria. Know this; they’re ours. If you want children, you’ll open to them. If not, we stay closed like your legs normally do.”

“Go to bed, Ember. My vagina is wrecked, asshole. I need to sleep.”

Chapter Forty-Four


Taking in the chaos and dead littering the center of the village, I swallowed hard. I’d ridden Aria right into the ugliness of this mess with my anger. She was too soft for this shit, and I hated her being thrown into it at all. I’d watched her face crumple, her mind unable to accept what it was seeing until Aine had turned to look at her. Aria had broken wide open, and my heart cracked with her sobs. I couldn’t always protect her because the world wouldn’t allow it. But this one, this was on me.

The Nine Realms wasn’t the world she’d read about in her books. It wasn’t a place you could expose weakness and expect it not to be held against you. Aria was Copyright 2016 - 2024