Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,169

Lifting my legs, I spread them for him.

“You are mine. You know that, don’t you?” Lennox whispered as I rocked my body, my eyes growing hooded and filled with lust.

Fingers slid down my stomach, pushing against the sore flesh that Knox had fucked for days. I moaned, causing Lennox’s eyes to narrow. He stood suddenly, removing Knox’s armor as Ember and I silently watched. Turning, his cock came into view, and we both blanched from the sheer monstrosity of it. Nope! Abort! I didn’t so much as breathe as Lennox sat down, smiling at me.

“Bitch, take control!” I shifted my position, and Lennox zeroed in on me. Sitting up, I shed the remainder of my dress, testing to see if I could escape him. Nope. That wasn’t happening. He’d tensed, fully expecting me to bolt from the bed. I tossed the ripped clothing aside, laying back on the pillows.

“Yeah, sorry, but no. It’s not happening,” Ember snorted. “Do you see that thing? It will ache badly.”

“You have a dislocating jaw, hooker. I’m sure you can dislocate our nether region too, right? Right? Please tell me you can do something to fit that thing inside of us!” I pleaded internally.

“Maybe it’s why they feed us pineapple? Ask for some fruit.”

I slowly blinked as my mouth started to open at the absurdity of her statement but chose to remain silent as Lennox leaned over, exploring my body.

“We’re going to die by dick, Ember. Our tombstone will say, ‘Here lies that one bitch who died from getting good dick,’ and that’s just not going to look great in the afterlife. Do something! Speak, Creature, or maybe I don’t know, fight? Can we fight our way out of this?”

“I think we fuck our way out,” Ember admitted, and our gaze slid down to the organ in question before slowly rising to stare at Lennox in horrified silence. “Definitely planning on banging you, Aria,” Ember chuckled, unable to continue looking away from the monstrous cock. “You should run because that thing is a weapon of mass destruction. Knox said it gets bigger. You are going to need that pineapple, lots of pineapples.”

“Pineapples won’t help that thing get into us! It isn’t lubrication. It just enhances the flavor, Ember. Lennox is your mate, remember? Knox was supposed to be mine. I handled him for an entire week while you rode bitch. You get to drive now. You’re the freak. Here’s your chance for glory.”


“What the hell do you mean, nope?”

“Hard pass, ha-ha, get it?” Ember chuckled, stretching out within me.

“We’re breaking up, Ember. Get out of me, now,” I snapped.

“Doesn’t work like that. I’m not your personal lubrication.”

“You’re being obtuse!”

“And you’re about to be banged by that club between his legs, so which is more fucked? Me or you? You! By that thing.”

“I have not given life to another, asshole.” Lennox’s words caused Ember and I to pause, noting he and Knox were both arguing as well. Lennox snorted, and I wondered what the hell they were fighting over other than the obvious.

Lennox’s hand slid to my throat, capturing it while forcing my eyes to meet and hold his. He purred in a soothing tone that caused something to fall into place as calmness settled over me. His mouth brushed against mine, and I moaned huskily, tasting my blood on his kiss. My hips rocked, and I couldn’t turn them off. I felt Ember watching him, enthralled by whatever Lennox was doing.

“Who are you?” I whispered, and I took in a sharp breath, shocked that I had spoken the words, realizing they had come from Ember.

“I am your shelter from the storm. I am your strength when you are weak. I am the fire that burns through your veins and heats you when you are in need. I am the one who will fill your womb and protect the children you give me. I am your light in the darkness and the one who guides your way when you are lost. I am the creature who will destroy worlds to keep you and will never allow you to fall. I am Lennox, beast to the High King of the Nine Realms and King of Norvalla. I am your mate, Aria Karnavious.” Leaning closer, locking eyes with mine, Lennox asked, “Who are you?”

Ember pushed forward in my consciousness, and I was both thankful and fearful at the same time. She parted her lips and lifted her hand, cupping her fingers softly around Lennox’s cheek, smiling softly as Copyright 2016 - 2024