Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,161

we just did, woman.”

His head lowered, kissing the wounds on my shoulder, then his tongue jutted out, sealing the injury. Knox turned toward my throat, kissing the jackhammering pulse softly. Inhaling my scent, he furrowed his brow before lifting and searching my face.

“If you or your family had anything to do with Lord and Lady Kenly being harmed, I’ll…”

“I know. You’ll take my head and place it on your nightstand, where you can stroke it every night to remind yourself how badass you are. I’ve heard it all before, Knox.”

“I’ll do much worse than that, I’m afraid, Aria. I’ll chain you to my wall and fuck you every morning and every night. Before I go to war against your people, I’ll make sure your pussy drips my come the entire time I am gone. I will never let you escape me, and you’ll know what a prisoner of war feels like, viscerally.” His fingers slid down my stomach, slowly pausing at my womb.

“You didn’t give me your womb, which means you either can’t, or you chose not to do so. Are you in heat, or aren’t you? Because I’m starting to believe you’re not, judging by how you ignored it for so long. Your scent is too perfect. You are too perfect, Little Monster. Everything about you screams to me. I should have known you were too good to be true when you rattled and purred for me. Who made you for me? Did Hecate finally figure out a way to reach me, creating the perfect combination to lure me into her trap? Your pussy is the perfect trap because I can’t seem to ignore it no matter how hard I try.”

“Fuck you, Knox,” I murmured, not moving as he watched me through narrow slits. His fingers pinched and twisted my nipple until I gasped and cried out, arching into his touch, even though I hated him at this moment.

Knox dipped his head, claiming the other nipple with his teeth, and I cried out again. He chuckled darkly, as pain flittered through me, knowing his teeth had just punctured the skin. Blood trailed down the globe of my breast as he laughed, flicking it with his tongue to seal the wound before he chased the blood. He pushed my thighs apart, and I lifted to move away, only for him to grab my arms, slamming them down above my head with one of his large hands.

“I’m not finished with you, wife.” Knox’s eyes searched my face before he released my arms and pulled me up against him. His hand moved to my throat, holding me against his lips. “Kiss me and fucking mean it.” Knox released me, watching as I slowly sat up higher.

I leaned forward, placing my hands around his neck while he laid on his back, staring up at me. My lips brushed his, putting my anger and need into the kiss as he rattled, appeased with the intensity in which I kissed him. He lifted my body, holding himself against my entrance, but he didn’t force it, nor did he enter me.

Instead, Knox rubbed against my opening, already hard for more. He was insatiable, with a never-ending hunger. I forced my body down his rigid lengths, crying out as I touched the base and slowly rocked against him. Leaning over, I lifted and lowered my need against his.

He moaned, unable to deny the pace my body took, slowly and sensually unraveling his desire for release. His hands moved to my hips, settling on them as he lifted his head, staring at where we connected. Knox’s ocean-colored eyes locked with mine. I lifted, showing him how much he stretched me, his hooded stare lowered again to our connected bodies. I gradually worked him past his breaking point, crying out as he grew larger within me.

“You like that? You like watching your cock stretching my body?” I leaned back, lifting my legs to take him deeper while rolling my hips. He growled, his low soothing rattle filling the room we’d been in for days, making love. “Do I make you come harder than anyone else?” I questioned, slowly moving while his smoldering stare watched my core, greedily tightening around his girth while I rode him.

“You know you do, woman.”

“You like fucking me?” I questioned, leaning closer while tightening around him until he gasped. “I’m going to come for you, Knox,” I purred, shuddering around his length that created a burning ache within me. My eyes held his as I Copyright 2016 - 2024