Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,162

came apart around him, whimpering while he filled me, tensing as he thrust harder into my core. His fingers bit angrily into my hips, slamming me home on his erection until he groaned, coming apart with me.

“Good girl, Aria. Tonight, you’ll take me in my other form if you are responsible for this attack. If you’re smart, you’ll let your monster out to play with mine. I don’t think you are even close to being ready to handle his cock, but I guess we’ll figure that out later, won’t we?”

“Knox,” I whispered, leaning over to brush my lips against his before turning his head to where his family watched us fucking. “Your perfect fucking wife just watched me riding your cock until you emptied your need deep inside of me. Do you think she enjoyed the show? Or do you think she thought about her heartless widower, fucking the same bloodline who murdered her? I’m thinking it’s the latter, and she’s turning over in her grave knowing my pussy got you off harder than she ever could. And you do come so hard in my pussy, don’t you?” I sat up, smiling coldly while rocking my hips, glaring at him. I left the bed, grabbing the sheet to cover my body as Knox moved to the chest, slamming it shut. It splintered, and my eyes widened as his lethal gaze slid from the broken chest to me.

My breathing grew labored as his deadly expression turned my blood to ice. I didn’t back down as he stalked forward, curling his fingers through my hair before yanking my head back painfully.

“I almost hope your monster fails to show up tonight so I can watch you screaming when Lennox stretches you apart to get to what you’ve denied him. I tried to do this the easy way, to seduce you into letting me in so that he was sated. You’re just too stubborn to allow me to help you. Your sex clenches to mate. Mine expands to ensure nothing escapes when he releases.” Knox swept the hair away from my face with this hand, and I shivered from the picture he painted.

“I’ve fucked your monster. It’s time you fucked mine, wouldn’t you agree? Do you think I’m fucking feral and carnal in bed? I have nothing on him. Lennox makes me look weak, and gods damn does he want to play with you, Aria. Maybe after you’ve been fucked by my beast, you’ll finally keep my wife and son out of your poisonous mouth. Are you excited or terrified? I can’t tell because you’re dripping wet from being fucked. Your body is trembling, and your pupils are damn near blown. I can smell sweat beading on your neck and hear your heart thundering against your ribcage. But those perky nipples aren’t erect for me to kiss, suck or bite, and when you’re aroused, they get fucking rock hard for me. Are you ready to rattle, sweet girl? Because you’re about to be whether you want it or not! I’m done protecting you from Lennox. I’m done trying to keep him caged to protect your tender body from the brutality he craves to unleash on it,” Knox laughed huskily, moving to the door to open it.

“Brander, bring my bride a dress to befit her new station.” Knox left the cabin, nodding for the guards to secure his armor as he followed them out, leaving me alone in the room filled with our scent that had turned ugly.

I didn’t move, not even when Brander finally entered the cabin as Knox barged in, fully dressed for war in his armor. Brander walked toward me, staring, and I finally stepped back, grabbing the sheet to cover my body.

“Are you okay?” Brander asked, tossing a wool dress onto the bed.

“She’s fine, brother,” Knox snapped.


“I’m fine. You don’t have to pretend to like me anymore. You all got what you wanted. Knox has a straight line to the throne and me as his bitch. Get out!” I yell. Everything slammed into me at once as my body trembled violently from the adrenaline wearing off. “Get out!”

Brander turned, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I dressed, uncaring that the wool itched and burned against my skin. Knox stared at the gray, coarse, wool dress Brander gave me. I ran my fingers through my hair, turning away from Knox as tears streaked down my face.

I wasn’t given anything else to wear as the soldiers came in to grab Copyright 2016 - 2024