Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,160

you’ve done for almost an entire week,” Killian announced, ignoring the blush that spread over my cheeks.

“So, I was. Have camp ready to move. We’ll be out shortly,” Knox replied, waiting until Killian nodded and left the room before he sat in a chair, studying me silently. “Come here, woman,” he ordered, watching as I left the bed to move toward him.

His gaze slid over my body when the sheet dropped. His hands reached out, pulling me closer before he kissed my belly. Knox pulled me onto his lap, forcing me to straddle him. His mouth kissed the mark he’d left, somehow managing to leave minimal scarring even though he’d bitten me until I’d come undone so many times I’d lost count. He enjoyed that my body found pleasure in his bite and that I climaxed from it alone.

My nose nuzzled his cheek as he lifted me. Chuckling darkly, he set me on my feet and slowly moved me to the table. Turning me to face it, Knox captured my hands, placing them flat against the table before sliding my legs apart with his feet. He held my hands as he pushed into my body, laughing as I moaned loudly, lowering my head to the table as he rocked against me.

“You’re so fucking distracting, aren’t you?” he asked, bringing my hands back against my spine. “Here I am, unable to stay out of you while places in my kingdom are being attacked,” he growled, sliding his hand up my spine to curl his fingers through my hair. He turned my head, slamming into my body punishingly hard, driving me toward the edge as he pounded into my core, which clasped hungrily against him. “You’re the perfect distraction, aren’t you, Aria?”

“Knox,” I whispered, uncertain if he was pissed or turned on.

“Shut up,” he snapped, forcing my head down against the table as he ravaged my core mercilessly.

The table hit my hips, causing me to cry out as pain rocked through me. He fucked me until the orgasm ripped me apart. Knox yanked me back against his mouth, and he bit down through my shoulder. His bite caused the orgasm to keep growing until I could not stand as he continued fucking me. My body clenched his, tightening around him as he growled. Lifting my legs onto the table, Knox spread me further apart, forcing my apex lower. He held me where he needed me, sending pain and pleasure rocking through me.

“Knox,” I whispered through the chattering of my teeth. He sent me rushing into the clouds, forcing orgasm after orgasm to crash through me. All I could do was take what he gave me. It wasn’t anything like he’d done for the last few days. It was cold, emotionless sex.

I felt him tense behind me, emptying his need into my body, filling me as he withdrew from me. Knox’s hand lowered to my core, rubbing his fingers against it to cover my sex with our combined arousal. He moved away from the table, silently standing in front of the chest, which he opened, even though I could still feel his heated stare on my sore flesh.

“Cover yourself, witch.”

And there it was.

The slap I’d known was coming.

The distance he craved to remind himself of who he was and what I was. I didn’t move because my legs wouldn’t hold me, and I knew it. My shoulder ached, alerting me to the fact he hadn’t healed it as he’d done since we’d entered this room on our wedding night. My mouth moved toward it, slowly placing my saliva onto the damaged flesh I could reach. I slid from the table, holding myself up, uncaring that he watched.

I grabbed the sheet from the bed, wrapping it around my body before burying my face in the pillows to hide my angry tears. Knox’s deep exhale sounded, and I ignored it and him. I hadn’t been stupid enough to assume our facade of happiness would last past the sated lust we’d shared. I hadn’t imagined that giving him a piece of my unguarded soul would end well for either of us. After all, he was the High King of Bipolar, and his kingdom was filled with miniature versions of him, pretending to like me to help him reach his goal.

Knox ripped the sheet from the bed, capturing me and spreading me out as he stared down into my angry glare. He studied my face, and a dark look filled his eyes.

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