Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,202

when I say dirty things to her, and that turns me on even more. She moves her hand away from her bud for just a moment. Her eyes beg me for more, even though she’s the one teasing herself. I wish I had two hands. I wish I could give her everything.

Cara leans over and kisses me fiercely. Her hand moves to her clit again, and I can tell by the trembling in her body that she’s close.

I’m so hard I think I might explode. She’s grinding on top of me, bringing herself to orgasm. Her wetness is dripping down my hand as she pleasures herself, the nails of her other hand digging into my chest. If I thought I’d experienced pleasure before, I was wrong.

Nothing comes close to this, and she hasn’t even touched me yet.

Then, Cara stops. With dark eyes and even darker intentions, she lifts herself off me and moves to unbutton my pants.

My voice catches as a lump forms in my throat. All I can do is watch.

When she releases me from my clothing, my cock springs up toward her. Cara grins, catching it in her soft hand. Then, she strokes me, and I know I’m not going to last long.

A growl rumbles through my chest as I watch this gorgeous, intoxicating woman stroke my cock. It’s leaking already. She rubs her thumb over my tip, spreading my precum over my crown. I moan, leaning my head back as heat blooms inside me. The pressure in the pit of my stomach mounts.

She feels too good. My hand is still covered in her honey, and she’s getting messy with my cock. I fucking love that she isn’t afraid. Not afraid to touch me. To touch herself. To let me know exactly what she wants.

She doesn’t care that it’s messy. She wants it that way.

As always, Cara is her own person. She doesn’t treat me like her future King. She doesn’t hesitate and dither about what she thinks I want. She just shows me exactly what she needs.

Then, Cara does something I don’t expect.

Kneeling above me, she tugs her panties to the side and positions herself over me.

“Cara—” I manage to say, choking on my own words. The tip of my cock brushes against her slit, and another wave of lust crashes into me.

We shouldn’t be doing this. In no universe should I be having sex with Cara Shoal right now.

But my cock is hard and throbbing, and she’s sopping wet, perched on top of it. Her hand still strokes my shaft as she rubs my crown up and down her slit. Cara’s eyes are demanding, her full bottom lip sucked between her teeth.

I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much teasing. Too much waiting. Too much wanting. Too much holding back.

“Cara,” I growl.

“Yes, Your Highness?” Her eyes flash as a wicked smile tugs at her lips.

“Sit on my fucking cock.” The command is ripped from my throat before I can stop myself. I couldn’t hold back if I tried.

I want Cara. She wants me.

We’re not fighting it any longer.



The Prince’s order sends a jolt of desire piercing through my body. My nipples pebble at the command, and I’m almost embarrassed at how much I love the sound of his dirty words.

Then, I do as he wishes.

I sink down on top of my future King, sheathing him inside me. As soon as I feel him enter me, I let out a gasp. Rocking my hips to feel him deeper, I have to throw my head back. Then, I still. My body takes a moment to accommodate to his girth, and a soft smile stretches over my lips.

This is what I’ve been wanting since that night on the sailboat. Prince Theo’s cock buried deep inside me. His hands on my body. The total ecstasy that accompanies every touch.

It feels more right than I could have imagined. We were made for each other. This is exactly where he’s supposed to be.

Inside me.

As I start gently rocking my hips, the Prince lets out a low moan. The sound makes heat bloom in the pit of my stomach. I clench my thighs, grinding harder into him. He lets out another moan, sending a wave of heat flooding through my veins. It starts in the pit of my stomach and spreads outward, ripping through my body like a wildfire.

The Prince groans. Every sound he makes sends another wave of lust crashing into me. The look in his eyes tells me he wants more. Copyright 2016 - 2024