Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,201

I don’t want Theo. That I still want to leave as desperately as I did a week ago. That he doesn’t make me feel more alive than anyone else ever has.

So, I let go.

I give in.

I surrender to my feelings and let the desire take over. I kiss the Crown Prince of Argyle with all the force of my feelings, showing him what I really feel for him. Tangling my fingers into his hair, I crush my lips against his and moan into his mouth.

Swinging my leg over to straddle Theo, I try my best to avoid his bad shoulder while simultaneously pressing my body against his.

His good hand grips me tight, his fingers sinking into the flesh at my hip.

“Cara,” he groans. “Are you sure?”

I pull away slightly, staring deep into his ocean-blue eyes. “Surer than I’ve ever been about anything, ever.”



I wish I hadn’t dislocated my shoulder. The things I want to do to Cara require the use of both my arms. The pleasure I want to give her needs my full health and attention.

As it is, I can barely move. I wrap my uninjured arm around her and pull her close, wincing as she nudges against my bad shoulder.

“Sorry,” she says, drawing away from me. I hate the distance. She frowns. “I can stop, if you want.”

“The last thing I want you to do is stop.”

Cara rolls her hips against me. I groan. I can feel the fire radiating from her core, her dress riding up to her hips. My fingers trail along her thighs, feeling the slight peach fuzz on her skin. I let my fingers drift over the waistband of her panties, moving to touch the heat between her legs.

Yesterday, we said we’d pretend. I knew we were lying to ourselves.

Today, this feels very, very real.

Whatever is happening between Cara and me is unstoppable. We’re a runaway train, roaring down the tracks toward certain destruction.

Nothing good can come of this.

But do I care? Not in the slightest.

My good hand reaches down between her legs, and I groan when I feel the wetness soaking her panties. Cara lets out a soft sigh, kissing my lips as she furiously unbuttons my shirt. She pushes it open, being gentle around my injured shoulder. Rocking her panties against my hand, she groans as her hands splay over my chest.

I don’t even care that my shoulder hurts. What is pain? The only thing that matters is my rock-hard cock doing its best to break free from my pants.

That, and the wetness soaking through Cara’s underwear.

Pushing the ruined strip of fabric to the side, I drag my fingers through her honey. She moans again, and I swear it’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. I can’t keep my eyes off her. She rocks herself against my hand as her lips drop open. Her nails dig into my chest and another wave of agony passes through my shoulder.

I still don’t care about it.

When I slip a finger inside her, keeping my palm pressed against her clit, Cara lets out the sexiest noise I’ve ever heard. She looks down at me, eyes dark and full of sin.

The pool lounge chair creaks beneath us, but I can’t bring myself to care. If it breaks, it breaks. It’ll break while I’m experiencing the closest thing to heaven on earth.

“Theo…” Cara whispers, rolling her hips against me. I can feel the clenching of her walls and the wetness dripping out of her. She’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, and right now, she’s all mine.

It doesn’t matter that we might regret this. It doesn’t matter that we’re supposed to be pretending. It doesn’t matter that this could be a big mistake.

It’s happening, and it’s the best thing I could have asked for. Ever since she stepped onto the sailboat with me, my mind has been plagued with thoughts of Cara. Of what I want to do to her. What I wish she’d do to me.

Now, it’s happening.

Cara rides my hand, reaching down to touch her clit as I slip another finger inside her. I watch her play with herself, my cock throbbing at the thought of what she’s doing.

“Come for me, Cara,” I growl, mesmerized by the movement of her hand as it dances over her own clit. My voice is a low growl as it scrapes out of my throat. “Come all over my hand and then come again on my cock.”

A smile tugs at Cara’s lips as a gasp slips through them. She likes Copyright 2016 - 2024