Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,203

He’s been waiting for this, too.

He’s enjoying this as much as I am.

Leaning my hands on his chest, I close my eyes for just a moment. Feeling him inside me is so deliciously wrong I can’t stop myself from almost giving in to the urge to let go. I want to come. I want to feel the release of an orgasm that feels like it’s been building for years.

I want to give it to him.

Theo reaches up to slip the strap of my dress off my shoulder. His hand drifts over to my breast, teasing it with his thumb. He’s barely touching me, but the slightest drift of his fingers sends electricity jumping through my veins.

As my hips rock back and forth, I slip off the other strap of my dress. Theo sighs, cupping my breast.

I do the same to my other breast, loving the way his eyes darken when I do it. I can tell he likes watching me touch myself. I tweak my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. His lips drop open and his cock throbs.

“Pleasure yourself,” he commands, flicking his eyes between my legs.

Am I supposed to love it when he orders me around like that? Is it wrong that the sound of his voice makes me want to melt? Burn? Obey?

I’ve always been independent. I’ve always wanted to explore the world and see what else was out there. I’ve collected treasures from everywhere and anywhere. Scraps of this and that, precious to only me.

I’ve always thought of myself as someone who wanted to explore.

Right now, though? The only thing I want to explore is Theo’s body. The only world that holds any interest to me is the universe inside his eyes. The only treasures I want to collect are his moans. His kisses. His touch.

Reaching down between my legs, I start teasing my clit. Theo lets out a low exhale as the pool lounge chair creaks beneath us again. I brace myself against it, riding Theo as I pleasure myself.

The Prince’s bad arm is pinned against his chest while his other hand drifts over my body, teasing everywhere he touches. When he lets his fingers slide down my side and over my thigh, a trail of goosebumps follows. I know I’m near the edge.

Alone with him, at the edge of the world, Theo gives me everything.

He drives himself deeper inside me as I ride him, and my pleasure crests. My orgasm isn’t timid. It doesn’t hesitate. It slams into me with all the force of my waiting and wanting. It makes me keel over, sinking my fingers into the Prince’s uninjured arm to keep from falling off.

Heat rips through my body. It blazes through my veins like molten metal, electrifying every inch of my trembling body. A gasp slips through my lips as the Prince grunts, his fingers gripping my thigh so hard it feels like the only thing keeping me upright.

It’s an orgasm like never before. It’s a release from everything I’ve been holding inside me, and a promise that I’ll always look for more.

More lust.

More mind-melting, body-burning pleasure.

More Theo.

I’m so busy riding my own wave of lust that I barely notice the Prince stiffening underneath me. His whole body tenses. Vaguely, at the back of my mind, I realize he’s coming, too. I feel his shaft growing harder and his fingers grip me tighter. His grunts become more labored.

“I’m going to come,” he groans, his hand digging into me.

Does he want me to get off? Does he think that’s even possible for me to do right now? No part of my body is cooperating with my brain. I couldn’t move if I tried.

So, I don’t try.

I rock my hips again, riding the last wave of my pleasure as my body burns up.

The Prince empties himself inside me, and I can’t help but smile. Another, smaller wave of pleasure washes over me, bathing me in a soft glow of bliss as I try to catch my breath.

I like the feeling of his orgasm. I like knowing that it happened with me. Because of me. Inside me.

As my vision clears, I see the Prince’s chest heaving. He releases my thigh and rubs his injured shoulder, groaning.

“You hurt?” I ask between breaths.

He shakes his head. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine.”

“It was worth it.” A smile tugs at his lips. Soft warmth spreads through my chest, and I finally climb off the Prince’s lap.

Stumbling, I catch myself against another pool chair as a laugh slips through my Copyright 2016 - 2024