Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,198

heart thump at the thought of being near her.

We’re not in a relationship. We’re only pretending…

…but it feels a little too real already.

The pilot steps out of the plane and bows before helping us inside. He points to two headsets hanging on the plane’s walls. “Wear these. It gets loud once I turn the engine on.”

Attendants load our suitcases up into the plane, and Cara and I slip the headsets over our ears. The pilot climbs back into the tiny sea plane and starts the engine. It roars to life, and Cara moves a bit closer to me.

I like having her at my side.

Before the plane moves, the pilot speaks into our headsets to give us a short safety briefing while his co-pilot does the last few pre-flight checks. Cara slips her hand into mine, flashing a smile at me after clicking her seatbelt into place.

Then, we take off. The plane skims the surface of the water as the engines roar loud in our ears, even with the big noise-cancelling headsets on. The plane dips from side to side ever so slightly, carving through the surface of the water as we pick up speed.

Then, we take off.

Over the deafening noise of the engines, I can’t hear any of the sounds Cara’s making, but I can feel her body next to mine. She tenses as we take off, relaxing as the sea plane leaves the surface of the water. We gain altitude and I watch Cara’s face turn rapt as she stares out the windows at the water below.

Yachts dot the harbor, and speedboats leave long wakes carved out in the teal water. As we fly higher and higher, Cara laughs and points out islands, sandbars, and flocks of sea birds below us. At the low altitude of the plane, we can see everything.

I mostly watch Cara, though.

I’ve spent the last year worrying about my father, about my brothers, about my future as King of this nation. Everything has been focused on responsibilities. On duty. On my work in service to the Kingdom.

Now, mostly alone in this sea plane with Cara, seeing the entranced expression on her face as she looks at the scene below, I feel happy. Calm. Free.

I’m not the Crown Prince with the weight of the Kingdom on my shoulders. I’m not protecting my father’s reputation and news of his illness from the public. I’m not worried about whether or not my brother Luca will walk again. I’m not waiting for news on the legality of my ascension to the throne, or wondering if I’ll want to marry Cara for real.

I’m just sitting in a sea plane beside a beautiful woman, smiling as we watch the islands pass below us. Cara’s hand stays curled around mine, and she moves closer to me. Her body molds against me as she leans over to point something out.

I nod, pretending to look where she’s gesturing. My eyes always slide back to her, though. Her eyes, rich and brown and expressive. Her neck, long and graceful. Her lips, full and kissable.

Everything about her is perfect.

In that moment, flying above the Kingdom that will soon be mine, I know that I don’t want to pretend at all.



When the sea plane lands, I squeeze Theo’s hand so hard I think I might break his fingers. Wouldn’t that be a great start to a fake engagement? Injuring both his arms in less than a week?

I can’t help it. This plane is tiny, and even though the pilot and his co-pilot are professionals, I feel every wave as we land, every gust of wind, every bump and shake.

But we do land, and the pilot cuts the engines to a dull hum as we taxi to the docks. I feel flushed. I know my cheeks are red and my eyes are shining. My hair is probably a mess from the headset and my hand is more than a little sweaty.

I don’t care, though.

Riding in this sea plane next to Theo is the biggest thrill I’ve had in a long time. It makes me wonder if maybe I don’t need to run away to explore the world. Maybe there’s lots of adventure to be had right here in Argyle.

Maybe I could see the world with Theo by my side.

I shake my head to dispel the thought. This is fake. We’re pretending. I’m doing it as a favor to Theo, and he’s doing his best to protect me from the pressure of a potential engagement. He’s buying himself time Copyright 2016 - 2024