Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,197

lets out a squeal, her eyes flashing with a gleam I’m not sure I like. “A tour?” she asks. “That sounds important. You don’t need our permission, Your Highness.”

“It is important,” I answer. “Cara and I have a lot to discuss.” The back of my hand brushes Cara’s. Heat flows through my arm. My body is far too receptive to her.

No strings attached? Don’t make me laugh.

“The Prince and I are just spending time together after a long year apart, Mother. Don’t get any ideas,” Cara says. Her voice sounds strangled. “We just need to talk everything through.”

Mrs. Shoal waves a hand, dismissing Cara’s words. The movement doesn’t sit well with me, and I know why Cara feels like she has to leave. Being here is stifling.

I steal a glance at Cara. Her face is dark. I can tell she’s uncomfortable with this, and she doesn’t like lying to her family. Sensing my gaze, she glances up to meet my eye.

“I’ll walk you back to your car.”

We bid her family goodbye and walk in silence toward the front door. Conflict swirls inside me. On the one hand, the thought of being near Cara excites me. On the other, I know our situation is complicated. I’m asking a lot of her, and not providing much in return.

When we get to my car, my driver hops out to open the back door for me. I stare at the vehicle before turning to face Cara. Taking her hand in mine, I bring it up to my lips. Her eyes follow the movement.

The memory of our kiss floods my brain. All I can think about is how good she tasted. How right it felt to have her in my arms. How much I wish I had the use of both limbs to wrap around her and never let go.

“So, this royal tour…” Cara arches an eyebrow. “What’s it all about?”

“It’s a tour of the islands. Three weeks. We’ll stop at all the major towns and do a lot of hand-waving and baby-kissing and smiling for the cameras.”

“Won’t it send a very clear image if I’m there beside you? I thought we were keeping things private. If we start doing a lot of public appearances together, people will talk.”

“If we don’t spend any time together at all, our families will only put more pressure on us.” I take a step toward her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Please, Cara. I need my father to believe this.”

She sucks in a breath, finally nodding. “Okay.”

“We leave the day after tomorrow. I’ll have the car pick you up.”

I almost lean in to kiss Cara again, but hold back. She takes a step away from me, lifting her arm in goodbye.

“See you then.”

The royal sea plane is ready and waiting when Cara arrives at the pier. She’s dressed in a white sundress, with her long, brown hair trailing down to her mid-back. Against the crisp white of her dress, her skin almost glows. Her lips curl up into a smile and she raises her arm to wave at me. She looks ethereal and regal and completely perfect.

Too perfect.

My body responds instantly, and I have to do my best to keep the fire in my veins under control.

“I couldn’t sleep last night,” she says, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. A zip of heat travels down my spine.


Cara shakes her head. “Too excited.”

“About this trip?”

“Don’t let it go to your head,” she laughs. “I’ve never seen most of the islands of Argyle. It’ll be my first time on a sea plane. Oh, and I guess you’re all right, too.”

“I’m flattered.” I grin, loving the way her eyes sparkle when she stares at me. “Don’t make me feel too special.”

“You have an army of people whose job it is to do that,” she quips. “I’m not going to be one of them.” She grins, squeezing my forearm with her hand before shaking her head. As her face grows more serious, she stares into my eyes. “Thanks for inviting me. I think I need some time away from my mother. She’s far too excited about this prospective engagement, but I think you were right to invite me on this tour. It would be tough to leave Argyle now, when all the attention is on me. At least now the attention is on our relationship instead.”

I shouldn’t like hearing her talk about our relationship. It shouldn’t send a flow of heat through my chest. It shouldn’t make my Copyright 2016 - 2024