Royally Unexpected 2 - Lilian Monroe Page 0,199

and helping me have a smooth exit from Argyle when this is all over.

That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy these three weeks, though, does it?

As the workers on the dock help the pilot with ropes and staircases to secure the plane to the dock, I let out a breath.

“Wow,” I sigh, pulling my headset off and smiling at Theo.

“Yeah.” His eyes are shining, and a soft smile tugs at his lips.

We disembark the plane and walk down the dock as our suitcases are unloaded. An army of staff is waiting to help us off the plane, down the docks, and into the royal vehicle. I’m handed a warm towel to wipe my hands and face, and offered fresh fruit and champagne as we arrive next to a limousine.

I arch my eyebrows, glancing at Theo. “Is this what your life is like?”

He grins, shrugging. “More or less.”

“You’ve been hiding this side of royal life from me.”

“I’ve been showing you the real me instead.”

A lump forms in my throat. I turn my attention to the champagne to hide the effect his words have on me. A flush creeps over my cheeks and my body thrums as I stand beside the Prince.

We’re driven down a winding road to one of the royal villas. Even though I spent lots of time with the Princes of Argyle growing up, I didn’t even know this property existed.

There’s probably a lot of things I don’t know about them.

As we pass through tall, ornate gates, I stare up at the tall palm trees that line the drive. Lush greenery surrounds us on all sides, with the clear blue sky arching high above us. A smile stretches over my lips and I lean against Theo’s good shoulder.

“This is so beautiful,” I sigh. “Thank you for having me. Feels like a holiday.”

Theo doesn’t answer. He only moves his arm to slide it over my shoulders, holding me close to his chest. We watch the trees part as a one-story villa appears in the distance. When the driver stops outside, the front door opens and a woman in a maid’s uniform appears to help us into the villa.

As soon as I step inside, my jaw drops.

Marble, glass, and stainless steel everywhere. Every surface is gleaming. As I walk across the small, lush home, I spot floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side. My toes sink into a plush rug, and I run my fingers over a handmade basket full of shells. I smile. Outside, an infinity pool flows into the ocean beyond. The maid appears by my side, handing me another tall glass of champagne.

I could get used to this.

I accept the drink with a nod, my eyes widening as I turn to Theo.

“I thought you were here on official business.”

He throws open the sliding glass door with one arm, wincing at the effort. His good hand goes to his shoulder, and I move to help him with the other door.

“This is official business. We’ll be here on Arlian Island for three days, and then we’re off to Zander for the fishing festival. It’s my pre-coronation tour of the Kingdom, but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves.”

I smile. Of the hundreds of islands that compose Argyle, I’ve only been to two or three. Arlian and Zander are two of the bigger ones, but I’ve never seen either of them.

Theo steps outside and a soft breeze flutters through the open door. As I walk out onto the pool deck, I peek at the white, sandy beach below. A hot tub steams over to the left, and the pool gurgles at my feet.

I shake my head. “I knew you were a prince, but I didn’t realize this is what your life was like.”

“You’re not exactly from the other side of the tracks,” Theo shoots back, grinning. “If I remember correctly, your father might be more popular than mine.”

I shrug, laughing. “That doesn’t mean we have the resources of the Crown behind us. This is next level. My father mostly gives our money away to fund his swimming school.”

“Hence the need for you to make your own way.” Theo sits down on one of the cushioned pool chairs, wincing at the pain in his shoulder again. I come to sit next to him on the same lounge chair, touching his sling with the tips of my fingers.


He grunts in response. “This sling keeps rubbing against my skin.”

I move his shirt collar to reveal red, raw skin at the base of his neck. I wince. Copyright 2016 - 2024