Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,128

it was such a relief to have that first introduction out of the way, and you must have her for tea ahead of the dinner at Buckingham Palace so you two can bond as potential future queen to reigning queen.”

My eyes widen. Okay, I had plans, and I was still coming up with them, but this is so much better than anything I could have dreamt up on my own.

“She’ll refuse, of course, but tell her for the article you have planned for your sources, it would be best to review all the facts up front. Otherwise, you can’t be responsible for what will be printed in The London News. Complete with intimate pictures of you and the future king inside his cottage. That should cause a crease to appear in her forehead. And get her arse in gear for a lovely chat and cup of tea.”

“I don’t like this,” Xander says, his eyes dark with disapproval.

“Xander. You picked a strong woman. Who has a powerful old lady in her corner. We will handle this,” Helene replies.

Yes, I think, seeing the steel in the spine of the woman standing before me. Then I glance around the room, seeing so much strength and solidarity from the women of the squad. We will handle this.

Queen Antonia will no longer hurt these women. She won’t destroy me. She won’t separate Xander and me.

Her cruel behaviour stops this week.

And I will be the one to end it.

Chapter Thirty-One

Shark in the Water

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Xander asks, waving his phone in front of me. “I promised you I would ring my mother for you, but it’s not too late to call this whole thing off.”

I firmly shake my head. It’s Sunday afternoon, and I’ve just come back to Xander’s place after having brunch with the girls of the squad. And after long conversations and planning, from compiling favourable media contacts to checking Her Majesty’s royal diary online, I’m ready to do this.

I’m going to invite Queen Antonia to tea on Tuesday afternoon.

“No,” I say firmly. “I have to do this, Xander. Not just for me. Or for us. But for any woman that wants to be a working royal, like Bella or Victoria. For the woman who will fall in love with James one day, if she’s not an aristocrat. I’m the one who can do this. And I will. I have a spine of steel, remember?”

An amused smile twitches at his lips. “Why do I think I’m going to have a love and hate relationship with your steel?”

“Yes, you will,” I say, smiling at him. Then I put my hand on his leg as we sit on his sofa, and I grow serious. “But I promise, I will be okay. I can do this.”

He swallows. I can see the conflict in his eyes, as if he’s about to feed me to the wolves.

I also see the fear. Fear that his mother will be able to crack me or drive a wedge between us.

“I’ve learnt my lesson,” I assure him softly. “I’m not going to run from you ever again.”

“I’m holding you to that,” Xander says, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

I lean forward and kiss him. “No need. I promise you that you are stuck with me until you see otherwise. Which you’d better not,” I tease.

He chuckles. I run my fingers through his hair affectionately. Then he exhales in resignation.

“All right. Only because you are dead set on this will I do it,” Xander says. “But I’m sitting right here during the call. I’m not moving an inch. And if she starts getting nasty with you, I want you to hand the phone back to me.”

My adrenaline ticks up a bit with that warning. Queen Antonia is ugly to everyone she sees as a threat or has a distaste for.

And in my case, it’s both.

I nod. “Yes, I promise.”

“I’m going to help set the stage for you. Don’t interrupt me while I do it. I know you want to do this without my help, but you’re getting it on this end regardless,” he says, his jaw set with determination.

My heart flutters. I love his protective alpha side. Talk about swoony.


“Okay,” I say, giving him that much. “I won’t.”

“Right,” he says. Then he swipes open his phone, brings up his mother in the contacts, and dials.

The second I know it’s happening, my palms grow sweaty. I might have a spine of steel, but I’m not delusional. This Copyright 2016 - 2024