Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,127

her. I remember how he said he got his way into the military by threatening to embarrass her. He won’t bend to her will.

No matter what she threatens me with, Xander will never leave my side.

Knowing that my love is secure, that no matter what is said about me, Xander will love me and be the best prince he can be, changes everything. She might be the queen. But she is also a woman who has bullied and manipulated her own family to keep her power.

And I am the biggest threat of all. Because if I do stay this course with Xander, I will be her replacement. She can’t bear anyone who she cannot control taking her place. She will continually undermine me, slander me, and make my life hell unless I fight back. I don’t want her to continue to leak stories about me to humiliate my friends and family.

Then I think of what she did to Clementine. Liz. Roman. It will be ongoing. But who is next? If Bella steps out of the shadows, will that be another threat? Will she destroy her, too?

Anger burns within me.

I will not let that happen. It will end now.

With me.

“No,” I suddenly say. “You will not go to your mother.”

The room falls silent.

Xander blinks. “What?”

“She went after me with that leak. And if I want it to stop, I will have to be the one to set boundaries with your mother. I’m willing to stand up to her. I can do it.”

Silence continues to fill the room.

“I don’t think you know what you’re saying,” Xander says.

“Oh, I do. So I will have this conversation with her. Over tea.”

“Did she ask you to tea?” Clementine asks, alarm filling her beautiful face.

“Do not go to tea at the palace by yourself,” Liz says, her eyes flashing. “Poppy, I know you think you can handle it, but Antonia is ruthless. She will find your weak spot and use it against you.”

“Who said I’m going to Buckingham Palace?” I ask.

Helene studies me from her seat near the fireplace but doesn’t say anything. She turns to Jillian, and they share a knowing look before she turns her attention back to me.

“I believe I detect a plot twist,” she says, smiling at me.

“I’m going to invite your mother to my flat for a biscuit and a cup of tea,” I say, as if this is an entirely reasonable thing to do. “We should get to know each other better.”

“Oh, no. No. I forbid it,” Xander says, turning alpha male on me. “Unless I’m there, too.”

“There’s no way she will go to your flat,” Amelia adds. “She wouldn’t be caught dead there in a million years.”

I consider that. Amelia does have a point.

“You’re right. I’ll have to invite her to Xander’s home,” I say, my plan formulating as I speak. “In fact, that will wind her up, knowing I’ve made myself at home there.”

“Poppy,” Xander says, his voice low. “No.”

“Xander, yes. I have my heart set on getting to know your mother on a more intimate level,” I tell him.

“You don’t understand what you are getting yourself into,” Clementine says.

Jillian studies me. “I think she knows exactly what she is getting into. And I applaud it. It’s about time someone stripped the queen title away and spoke to her like a normal human being.”

“Then I will be there. I won’t let this happen unless I am there,” Xander says. He moves away from me and rakes his hair over and over with his hand in agitation.

My heart catches. I realise he’s afraid of this. That his mother will somehow strike a fear in me that will cause me to leave him.

“You can’t be there,” I say to him. “But you have to trust me. I can do this.”

Xander stares at me. “I trust you. I don’t trust her.”

“I think Poppy is right,” Helene says, rising from her chair. She makes her way over to me. “You have had a warning of what is to come from Clementine and Liz. And you have me. I’m not only going to prepare you for this tea, but I’m going to give you the ultimate card to play.”

“What’s that?” Xander asks.

“Don’t you worry your handsome little head about it,” Helene says breezily. “I do believe, ladies, we need to have a brunch tomorrow. All of us. There is so much to discuss. Poppy, dear, call Her Majesty and thank her for placing the lovely article in the paper for you. Tell her Copyright 2016 - 2024