Royal Icing - Aven Ellis Page 0,129

will not be easy. I’m a bit sick about the conversation I’m about to have, but all I have to do is think of Clementine, Liz, and most of all, Bella.

It must be done.

“Mother, good afternoon, I hope you’re well,” Xander says easily, his voice pleasant. He’s silent as he listens. “No … The article doesn’t bother me in the least …”

He shoots me a glance, and my stomach tightens with nerves. Wow, so much for mother-son pleasantries. She’s gone straight to the article, to see how we took it. To see how much it wounded me.

“Poppy is rather chuffed it came out …”

I hold my breath. Oh, Lord, I wonder what on earth she has to say about that comment.

” … and speaking of Poppy, she wanted to talk to you about media coverage. And she has an invitation for you, one I’m certain you will not decline, because I would be very unhappy if you did. And we know how I get when I’m not happy. I’d hate to go off the rails if I were forced to do so … A threat? No, of course not. This is a fact.”

Oh, God, he’s good when he’s determined!

“Right, well, please hold for Poppy—and I’m sitting right here, so I’ll know if you terminate this call prematurely.”

Then he hands the phone to me.

Right. I can do this. I steel myself and take the phone from Xander’s hand. I pause one moment, preparing myself, and then put the phone to my ear.

“Your Majesty, it’s an absolute pleasure to speak to you,” I say brightly. “How are you?”


I wait. Xander frowns. I bite my lip. Okay, I knew she’d make this brutal, but I thought she would at least give me a chilly hello.

I’ll have to shock her into speaking to me.

“I’m so honoured to be making your acquaintance on Thursday night,” I say cheerfully.

“Oh, I bet you are. Dinner at the palace is quite a step up from eating fish and chips, isn’t it?” she says coolly.

Ah, yes, now the introduction can begin. My stomach twists anxiously, but I focus on keeping it out of my voice.

“Oh, Your Majesty, you are so right about that,” I say breezily. “And if Buckingham Palace chose to serve fish and chips to me, I’m sure they would be superior to those of my family’s chip shop in Cardiff. But, ma’am, if I do say so myself, there is something ridiculously delicious about fish and chips from Wales. I’m certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they are the best in the UK. Next to those offered by your palace chefs, of course.”

Good God. It only took me one reply, and I’ve already launched into full narrative mode.

Xander’s hand flinches on his thigh. I glance at him, and he looks furious. I scoot a bit away from him on the sofa, just in case he decides to take the phone back and give his mother some more facts.

“Yes, I’m sure you have many quaint tales about trapesing across the United Kingdom comparing the merits of chips in Scotland to those in Wales,” she says, her voice laced with mockery. “So tell me, Poppy, do you think you’ll be comparing notes with my culinary staff here in the palace one day? Because I assure you, they don’t need to learn anything from you. Although, I’m sure they’d get quite a giggle out of your adorable little YouTube videos. If they wanted to make a biscuit that looked like a hedgehog, of course.”

Fire burns in my cheeks. Xander, who is ready to pounce at the merest sign of discomfort, furrows his brow.

I force myself not to respond and move forward with my plan.

“Just like you, Your Majesty, I do enjoy seeing all the countries and meeting new people. Which brings me around to why I wanted to talk to you.”


I continue. “I would love to have you over to Xander’s cottage for tea on Tuesday afternoon,” I say boldly. “I would love to meet you before dinner on Thursday night.”

“Nottingham Cottage?” she snaps. “You have the audacity to invite me to my son’s home? As if it were yours? I would not be making plans to re-wallpaper the house just yet. My son is a serial womaniser. And you, Ms. Davies, are merely a phase.”

“Well, I would invite you to my flat, but that would cause quite a bit of media speculation seeing as the press have been camped out there since the story broke yesterday. Oh, Copyright 2016 - 2024