Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,69

I chewed him a new asshole.”

“Oh, god. No. Please tell me you didn’t do that.”

“Damn right we did,” Mia railed, slapping her hands on her hips. “Quinn stepped way the fuck out of line. He had no right to suggest—”

“Or even allude to you having sex with Ross,” Sofia interrupted.

“It’s a good thing he’s flying back to Chicago after the show, or I would need a new agent once Oz finds out about this,” Mia fumed.

“No. No. You can’t tell Ozzy. You can’t tell anyone,” I begged.

“Listen, honey,” Sofia said, taking my hand. “You need to sit Ross down and tell him the truth.”

“B-but Quinn said—”

“Fuck what Quinn said,” Mia spat. “Clearly, you and Ross have forged a bond these past few days. If he finds out you’ve kept the truth from him, the smiles that have started lighting up his face will disappear forever.”

“I’m with Mia on this, Harmony. You need to tell him.”

Maybe they were right. The goddess of wisdom was named Sofia. But…

“What happens if Ross really quits this time? What will that do to him…to the others?”

Sofia nibbled her bottom lip. “I know we made a pinky promise, but I really need to tell Burk what’s going on.”

“Oh, god. I knew it. This is going to blow up in my face.”

“If it does, Burk will intervene. He might not be able to stop Ross from killing Quinn, but he’ll be able to help him see reason. I hope.”

Once again, a deafening roar erupted from the fans when Burk yelled good night. Ross still hadn’t taken his eyes off me, even as he and the others rushed off stage.

Without a word or wiping the sweat from his body again, Ross charged straight to me and plucked me off the stool.

“What are you doing?” I asked, darting a nervous glance at Sofia and Mia, who were greeting their men with far less gusto than before.

“Taking you someplace we can talk,” he bit out setting me on my feet.

“About what?”

“Don’t know yet, but I aim to find out.”

Clutching my hand, Ross led me past the equipment trunks stacked backstage. As we approached the hallway, I almost stumbled when I saw dozens of barely dressed women, lining the halls. The air was thick with desperation and hope and the mixture of strong perfumes.

“Who are all those women?” I whispered.

“Band bunnies.”

“What are they doing?”

“Waiting to get laid,” Ross murmured. Releasing my hand, he tucked his around my waist and pulled me in close to his side. “Ignore them. I do.”

The instant the band bunnies spied Ross, the desperation in the air turned so thick I could barely breathe. They all started screaming his name and racing toward him.

“Back off,” he barked with an angry scowl.

Most did, but the ones who didn’t, Ross had to push his way through while they pelted me with hateful glares and hurtful insults. Horrible things like whore, lucky slut, ugly cow, and nasty bitch.

Finally, Ross stopped and narrowed his eyes at a young dark-haired woman with long, thick eyelashes, and boobs that were straining from a bra three sizes too small.

“Step away from my dressing room door.”

“Or what, handsome?” the woman asked coyly. “Come on, Ross. We both know I can rock your world a million times better than that—”

“Choose your next word carefully, cunt,” he snarled.

“Wow. You’re an asshole.” The woman’s lip curled in disdain as she pushed off the doorframe. “I wouldn’t let you fuck me if yours was the last cock on the planet.”

Ignoring the crude woman, Ross quickly unlocked the door, ushered me inside, and kicked it shut. Whirling around, he pinned me with a hard stare.

“What happened backstage between you and the girls?”


“I realize we haven’t known each other long, but don’t insult me and lie to my face.”

Ross didn’t have to yell the last word to make me feel any worse. I was already drowning in guilt for trying to hang on to my stupid secret. He’d done nothing to deserve my deception. In fact, aside from our first kiss, he’d gone out of his way to prove what a shockingly benevolent man he could be.

The truth shall set you free, Daddy’s voice reverberated in my brain.

Yeah, it was either set me free or bury me beneath a pile of rubble.

Lifting my chin, I squared my shoulders and drew in a deep breath. “You’re right. We haven’t known each other very long. I have something to tell you, even though you’ll probably send me back home, hate me for the Copyright 2016 - 2024