Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,68

happiness, performing music.

Lost in the lyrics of the songs that followed, the cacophony of the crowd, and energy zipping through the air, I jolted back to reality when Burk gave a mighty wave and yelled, “Good night, New York.”

Clearly, the fans didn’t want the concert to end. They screamed louder than ever, pounded their seats, and stomped their feet as the guys, glistening beneath a sheen of sweat and wearing massive smiles—yes, even Ross whose was nothing short of panty-melting (if I’d worn any)—hurried backstage.

Mindless of their sweat-soaked bodies and clothing, Sofia and Mia hugged their men, laughing and kissing them wildly.

I gazed at Ross, wishing I could kiss him as tingles assaulted my system. Out of the blue, a vision of him, on the mountain back home, dripping in sweat from working hard in the sun, flashed through my brain. Blinking the absurd visual away, I studied the rivulets of sweat sliding down his face and the shimmering gloss coating his sun-kissed, muscular arms. His sleeveless black tee was completely saturated and clung to his body, outlining every hard ridge and plane of his six-pack abs and sculpted pecs.

I watched as he grabbed a bottle of water from a vat of ice, guzzled it down in three huge gulps, then wiped a towel over his face and head before striding toward me.

“So? What did you think of your first concert?” Ross yelled so I could hear him over the still screaming fans.

“It was amazing. I love your music and the lyrics are…beautiful.”

“So you’re not disappointed huh?”

“Not at all. You guys are great. But your pre-show performance was way better,” I blurted—obviously too loudly when everyone whipped their heads our way.

A wicked smile tugged Ross’s mouth. “Say the word and I’ll give you another private performance any time you want it.”

Now. Now would be great.

“So that’s why you’re smiling, huh?” Syd laughed. “Damn, we should have gotten you laid years ago.”

“Fuck off. You have no idea what you’re talking about, asshole,” Ross growled.

“Save it for later, you two,” Burk scolded with a grin. “It’s encore time, gentlemen.”

“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back in a flash,” Ross murmured in my ear, sliding a knuckle along the side of my thigh. A tremor shot through me as he turned and joined the others hurrying back onto the stage.

“I told you that dress looked shit hot on you.” Mia grinned. “I’m just surprised it’s still in one piece. I figured once Ross got you alone, he would have ripped it to shreds getting it off so he could get inside you.”

“Oh, no.” I shook my head. “He didn’t… We didn’t…have sex.” Well, not technically.

“What?” Sofia gaped. “Then why is he actually smiling?”

“Show us your knees,” Mia ordered before bending and studying them.

“My knees? Why?”

“To see if that smile of his is from a little oral action. You know…” She cupped her hand and drew it to her open mouth, then bobbed her head.

My cheeks caught fire and I adamantly shook my head. “No. I didn’t do anything like… No.”

The two women simultaneously darted a glance at each other.

Sofia sent me a soft smile. “Honey, are you still a virgin?”

“Why does it matter?” I asked, feeling suddenly defensive.

“Oh, Quinn. That stupid bastard,” Mia groaned.

“What does Quinn have to do with this?”

“Quinn has everything to do with…” Sofia peered over her shoulder and glanced at the promotor having a conversation with some guy in a suit. “I’ll be right back.”

“Wait,” I barked. Sliding off the stool, I nearly moaned at the luscious ache between my legs. “What are you doing?”

“Going to give him a piece of my mind,” she huffed.

“No. Don’t. H-he told me it was okay if I needed to…you know…do things to help reach Ross.”

“Do what things?” Sofia eyed me cautiously.

“You know…have sex.”

“He tried to pimp you out?” Mia blanched, eyes nearly bulging out of her skull. “Don’t move. We’ll be back.”

Before I could stop them, the two women stormed Quinn’s direction. I whipped a worried gaze at Ross—whose brows instantly slashed in concern—and wondered how long before he learned the truth and the world fell out from under my feet.

Ross kept his eyes locked on me as they finished one song and immediately began playing another. I tried to send him a reassuring smile, but it felt more like a grimace. After what seemed a million interminable minutes, the two women returned, looking angrier than when they’d left.

“What happened? What did you say to him?”

“Well, Mia threatened to find another agent while Copyright 2016 - 2024