Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,38

feeling a bit buzzed from the champagne, but it definitely kept my angst tempered.

As we entered the lobby, Sofia checked the time on her phone, again. “Yikes. We’ve got an hour and a half to put Cinderella together before she faces off with the Wicked Witch of the West.”

“Piece of cake,” Mia assured. “You two haul ass up to Harmony’s room so she can shower, shampoo, and shave. I’ll swing by my room and grab my blow dryer, flat iron, and makeup bag…in case we forgot something critical.”

“What could you have forgotten?” I grinned. “You bought every cleanser, palette, brush, and blush in the cosmetics store.”

“A girl can never have enough eye shadow palettes.” She winked.

Once in my suite, I stripped and showered while Sofia laid my clothes on the bed and arranged the multitude of beauty products on the nearby desk. After wrapping up in the big fluffy robe the hotel provided, I stepped from the bathroom and found the two women looking as if they were armed for war. Mia gripped a blow dryer in her hand, while Sofia clutched a can of something called root pump.

Sending up a silent prayer, I sat down, and the makeover commenced.

Sofia twisted sections of my hair in hot tongs, called a flat iron, while Mia applied lotions and oils and finally makeup to my face, complementing my flawless skin.

Long minutes later, Mia dragged a wand of shiny red lipstick over my lips as Sofia stuck another bobby pin in my hair and unleashed a cloud of spray to the curls.

“Shit,” she bit out. “We’ve got six minutes to get her into that dress and downstairs.”

“I’m done,” Mia said, dropping the lipstick and tossing her hands in the air.

“Scooch out of the way. Let me see,” Sofia said, nudging Mia’s hip. Her jaw dropped open. “Oh, holy… You’re right. Ross will definitely be sporting some major wood.”

“Let me see.” Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach.

“Not yet.” Mia shook her head. “Not till we get you in your dress.”

“Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go,” Sofia chanted.

Mia tugged off my robe while Sofia tossed me the bra and panties. While Sofia came at me with the dress gathered in her fists, Mia fastened my bra. Together, they drew the soft, stretchy fabric up my body. Mia showed me how to lift and plump my breasts to amplify my cleavage. Then Sofia bent and guided my feet into the pair of classic black stilettos.

“Wait. I need to cover that scrape on your elbow.” Mia dabbed some kind of concealer on the reddened scab, then dusted it with some powder, and it magically disappeared.

Sofia moved in beside her before they both looked me up and down, grinning from ear to ear.

“Damn, we’re good.” Mia giggled.

“Can I see now?”

“Yes. Yes,” they chanted together.

When I stepped in front of the mirrored closet door, my jaw nearly hit the floor. I knew the woman looking back was me, but she didn’t look a thing like me. She looked like a…princess.


Ross called me that, a lot…often cynically. Maybe tonight he would call me princess again…and mean it.

“Come on. Grab your clutch. We’ve got three minutes.”

Nerves singing and dread mounting, I rode the elevator with them to the lobby. Sofia and Mia were chattering and placing bets on Ross’s reaction. I prayed he didn’t send me back to my room to change into jeans and a tee. Panic spiked as I realized I’d never even asked him if I was supposed to wear something nice. I’d just assumed… Oh, dear.

“I’m overdressed,” I blurted as the elevator doors opened.

“No. You’re gorgeous,” Sofia assured.

“What if this is all too much?”

“It’s not.” Sofia shook her head. “That cow needs to see you’re more than Ross’s girlfriend.”

“She needs to see that you’re his…lady,” Mia whispered.

Tears stung my eyes. “I’m not. I’m just a well-paid fake. But thank you. Thank you both so much for doing all this for me.”

“You don’t have to thank us. Seeing Ross’s reaction is all the thanks I need.” Sofia hugged me and whispered in my ear, “I know it’s probably going to be hard, but try to have fun.”

I nodded, sucked in a deep breath, and bravely walked toward the lobby.

Grinning like a couple of schoolgirls, Sofia and Mia pulled out their phones, then hid behind a thick marble pillar.

Ross was standing near the front door, engrossed in something on his phone.

Heart fluttering, I studied the sharp lines of his profile…his sculpted jaw, the slope of his masculine nose, and Copyright 2016 - 2024