Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,39

even took in the curve of his ears. Drowning in every manly inch of him, I skimmed my eyes over his fitted black blazer, sky-blue button-down oxford, and the denim jeans hugging his muscular thighs.

My heart was racing, my mouth was watering, and tiny tingles erupted between my legs.

The tap of my heels echoing against the marble floor finally captured his attention.

Ross raised his head and swung it my way.

I held my breath.

As astonishment crawled across his face, I forced myself to keep walking, even though the intensity of his dark gaze was stripping me bare and making me feel strangely naked and exposed. Wings of doubt fluttered through me, but I continued making my way toward him.

A shadow of a smile tugged the corners of his mouth. The sight of his undeniable approval sent warmth spreading through me, chasing all my reservations away.

Though still a few feet from him, I physically felt him suck in a ragged breath. Breaking free of his trance, Ross pocketed his phone and ate up the distance between us.

“Jesus,” he whispered.

He dragged a stare over the lose curls, artfully swept up high on my head and spilling down my back. Studying the contours of my face, he paused, taking in my red, glossy lips. As if lost in another trance, he lifted a hand and dragged the tip of his finger from one end of my collarbone to the other, leaving a trail of sparks along my skin.

A barely perceptible growl rumbled in the back of his throat before he blinked and licked his lips. “You look… Jesus.”

“Like a princess?” I prompted. Ross nodded. “I feel like one, too.”

“It’s not right,” he growled, shaking his head.

Dread pummeled me from every direction.

“What? The dress? The shoes? I-I can go back upstairs and—”

“No,” he barked. “You look…like a fucking angel.”

“I don’t understand. What isn’t right?”

“That I have to take such a stunning…beauty to Sylvia’s and subject you to her caustic, cutting cruelty.”

I sent him a comforting smile. “Like I said on the bus, I’m not made of glass.”

“No, you’re more like fine crystal.”

My heart was still melting when he glanced toward the street, seemingly embarrassed for bestowing the compliment.

When a long black limo stopped at the curb, he exhaled a heavy sigh. “Are you sure you really want to be a part of this shit show?”

I smirked. “Isn’t that why everyone comes to New York…to see a show?”

“Don’t know any who’d want to pay money for the one you’re about to see.”

“You can still change your mind.”

Ross shook his head. “I’ve put this off long enough.”

“Is that our ride?” I asked, glancing at the limo.

“Yeah.” He bitterly nodded before extending his elbow. “Shall we?”

“You’re welcome,” Mia and Sofia called out with a giggle.

Ross sent the pair a sidelong glance and shook his head.

I tucked my arm through his and together we stepped out onto the sidewalk.

The moment he locked eyes on Bernard—a mid-fifties, broad-shouldered man wearing a black suit, a glossy-billed hat, and wide, glowing smile—all the tension bled from Ross’s body.

“It is…wonderful to finally…see you again, Mr. Walker.” Bernard’s voice quivered as tears swelled in his green eyes.

“What’s with the Mr. Walker shit, Bernie?” Ross asked in a voice thick with matching emotion. Spreading his arms wide, he enveloped the older man in a sturdy hug and clapped him on the back. “It’s fucking good to see you again. I’ve missed the hell out of you, dear friend.”

The force of undeniable love swirling and circling them brought tears to my eyes. Ross clung to the man for several long, heartwarming minutes. Clearly, Bernie was an integral part of his life, or had been. I didn’t know how long they’d been apart, but the fact that Ross had carved this special man out of his life, for whatever reason, broke my heart.

When they finally parted, Bernie sniffed, wiped his eyes, then smiled at me. “And who is this stunning beauty?”

“Ah, um…”

“I’m Harmony…Ross’s friend.” I smiled and extended my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Instead of shaking it, Bernie drew my fingers to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss to my skin. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Harmony.”

Bernie opened the back door of the limo and Ross helped me into the vehicle. Sliding onto the soft leather seat, I listened as they continued to talk.

“I can’t believe you’re still here,” Ross murmured. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s like a million Christmas mornings seeing you again, but why the hell are you putting up with Copyright 2016 - 2024