Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,37

actually going to have dinner with that viper?” Burk barked out.

“We are having dinner with that viper,” I corrected, snapping my focus on Sofia. “You wouldn’t happen to have something fancy I could borrow, would you?”

She compared her lush curves to my thinner frame. “Sweetheart, first of all, we’re in New York. Sixty dollars isn’t enough to buy a pair of underwear. Secondly, even if I’d packed a few designer things, they’d fall right off you. I have a better idea, but we’re going to need Mia’s input…and a black card.”

When she sent Burk a sad-puppy dog expression, he simply shook his head and grinned. Then pulled out his wallet and handed her a credit card. “Have fun and make sure to get yourself something…naughty.”

She lifted to her toes and kissed him hard. “I love you.”

“Yeah? I’ll let you show me how much after rehearsal.”

“You’re on, baby.” Sofia sent him a sultry smile and waved as Burk strolled from the suite. “Okay, I’m going to call Mia first, a limo service second, then we’ll hit every boutique in Lower Manhattan.”

“I’ll pay you back, as soon as I—”

“No, you won’t. It’s a gift from Burk and me.”

“I can’t just let you spend—”

“Fine. You want to pay me back?” I nodded. “Then while the guys are rehearsing tonight, tell me every detail about your dinner with Ross and that snag-nasty bitch.”

I cringed. “Ross wouldn’t like me sharing that with anyone.”

“You’re right. Damn.” Sofia sighed. “Okay, then you have to let me and Mia escort you to the lobby when we’re done…creating, so we can see the look on Ross’s face when he sees what a hot, sexy siren we’ve made of you.”

“I’ve never looked hot, let alone sexy, in my life, but okay. If that’s all you want…deal.”

“Don’t underestimate the powers of the sisterhood.”

“All right, but I have to meet Ross at five.”

Sofia checked the time on her phone and gasped. “Oh, shit. We gotta haul ass.”

Twenty minutes later, Mia handed a list of addresses to the driver, then the three of us piled into the back of another glitzy limo. We talked, laughed, and sipped champagne while searching for the perfect outfit.

Ironically, we found it at our second stop. Mia called it a bandage dress. The clingy, black, slit-straps and wide off-the-shoulder collar certainly hugged every curve of my body like a bandage. The black lace bra Sofia picked out for me pushed my breasts up, forming a risqué valley and giving me cleavage for the first time in my life. Though the dress reeked class, it didn’t leave anything to the imagination. I felt more than a little exposed, and not simply because of my newfound cleavage.

While Mia and I were checking out the shoes, Sofia purchased the dress and undergarments, then we piled back into the limo and opened another bottle of champagne.

“When Ross sees you in that dress, his jaw is going to hit the floor.” Sofia grinned.

“And his cock is going to burst through his jeans.” Mia giggled.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that Ross wasn’t interested in me sexually—though I secretly fantasized him doing all kinds of naughty things to me in bed—and that he simply tolerated me…thus far.

“I love that you’ll be wearing Chanel tonight. It’s such a delicious underhanded dig to that snotty bitch,” Sofia chuckled.

“You got a wicked catty side to you, woman… I like it.” Mia grinned.

“Can’t help it.” She shrugged. “That hateful bitch is messing with Ross. Nobody messes with my family.”

“I like the momma lion side of you.” I laughed. “But back up a minute. What did you mean by a delicious underhanded dig?”

“Sylvia was wearing Chanel at the hotel,” Mia explained. “That little black number you’ll be wearing tonight is also Chanel. And it looks a zillion times better on you than it does that manky bitch.”

“Manky?” I asked.

“It’s a Nigel-ism.” A bittersweet smile tugged her lips. “It’s British for disgusting.”

“What do we have left on the list?” Sofia asked, redirecting what I could tell were heartbreaking memories for Mia.

I made a mental note to do some research on the up-and-coming star’s past while Mia studied her phone.

“Shoes, clutch, and makeup,” she announced.

“Makeup?” I blanched. “I-I’ve never worn makeup in my life.”

“Don’t worry,” she assured. “I can wield a set of brushes like a pro. I love doing makeup. I think I might have been a cosmetologist in a past life.”

Three shops later, we had everything on Mia’s list. When we returned to the hotel, I was Copyright 2016 - 2024