Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,24

even bigger when she leaned in close enough that I could feel her breath on my neck.

Mentally gripping every ounce of my control in a mighty fist, I clenched my jaw as her warm breath slid over my flesh. I would have given my left nut to turn my head and claim her succulent lips. The thought of spearing my tongue into her juicy mouth had my muscles turning to granite. Especially my cock, which, thanks to the little minx, was hard enough to crush diamonds, throbbing like a bitch, and painfully scraping my zipper.

I had to get her hand off me before I totally lost my shit. Forcing a smile that felt more like a sneer, I clasped her wrist and nonchalantly lifted her searing hand from my shoulder. Unable to let her go, I threaded her fingers through mine and stroked the inside of her wrist with my thumb.

Harmony inhaled sharply as arousal flared in her eyes. The pulse point at her neck was hammering wildly. Christ, if she responded like this simply from my touch, I couldn’t wait to see what she’d do once I had her splayed out, naked on my bed, and dragging my tongue over every inch of her wicked body.

As if reading my mind, she swallowed audibly before assuming her assigned role. An innocent smile stretched across her lips. Obviously, she didn’t notice the DJ’s obscene stare locked on her lush tits, or the way he licked his lips as if dying for a taste. I’d certainly noticed and was ready to rip his eyes from their sockets and shove them up his ass.

“What kind of questions do the fans have?” Harmony asked in a soft, shy voice.

Fuck. Me. She didn’t need acting lessons any more than I did. The performance she was giving had my damn blood boiling.

The DJ was so enthralled with her tits, he didn’t even acknowledge her question.

“Focus,” I growled.

The prick finally peeled his eyes off her and jerked his head to the mic in front of his face. “Well, let’s see… How long have you and Ross been, um…together?”

“Biblically? Or when we first met?” She blushed.

When Harmony’s mind went straight to sex, my jaw nearly hit the floor. My cock lurched, eager to go straight there with her, too.

“They’re one and the same, aren’t they?” Syd chortled.

She blanched, then quickly recovered with a little laugh. “Why, Syd…were you listening?”

“It was a little hard—pardon the pun—not to, sunshine.” The bass player laughed. “The noises coming out of your room sounded like Fifty Shades of Animal Planet.”

“What can I say?” She shrugged. “Ross always makes me go a little crazy.”

The innocent smile tugging her lips had my cock trying to punch a hole through my zipper.

“I take it you two have been together for a while, then?” the DJ asked.

“Yes. A very long time.” I nodded. If you’re counting by seconds, that is.

“Then why haven’t we ever seen you two together? Have you been hiding her?”

“Yes. I don’t share well,” I said with a nasty smile.

“That’s more than obvious, dude.” The DJ smirked.

As if knowing I was seconds from punching the fucker out cold, Harmony squeezed my hand. I didn’t like that she could read me so effortlessly. She was too perceptive, too fucking tempting…too everything.

I was done sitting in this goddamn hot seat.

Done playing the role of imaginary boyfriend.

Done trying to ignore the heat of her body, intoxicating scent of her skin, and those innocent, glacier-blue eyes delving deep into my soul.

We weren’t here to weave lies about relationships and sexual encounters that would never happen no matter how desperate I was to deflower the beauty.

Clenching my jaw, I released Harmony’s hand, severing the unnerving connection between us, and sent Burk an impatient stare that screamed, Get this fucking DJ off my dick.

“Oh, hey, man…I almost forgot. Though our concert’s been sold out for months, we brought some VIP packages you can give to your listeners.” Burk reached out toward Sofia, who hurried forward and slid the tickets into his palm.

“Hell yeah. Thanks, bro.” The DJ grinned widely as I jerked a barely perceptible nod of thanks at Burk. “All right. Let’s do this. Start lighting up the phones, listeners. I’ll take caller twelve.”

Harmony flashed me a heart-stopping smile before strolling away to rejoin Sofia near the door.

“Congratulations, you are caller twelve,” the announcer cheered.

His excitement paled in comparison to the guy on the phone, who was screaming like a bitch. The others around me chuckled while I shook Copyright 2016 - 2024