Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,23

questions, I watched as Burk and the others reached the front door of the radio station.

Lifting the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth, I blew out a sharp whistle—the quasi-bat-signal we’d adopted years ago after getting our asses kicked in one too many bar fights—alerting them I needed help. In unison, all four band brothers snapped their heads my direction. Like pack wolves, their bodies tensed, and their hands clenched into fists as they bulldozed through the crowd, clearing the path enough for us to enter the building.

Once we were safely inside, it took several minutes to let my need to protect Harmony bleed out. I almost forgot to thank the guys for their help. Their modest assurance that it was nothing was completely expected. After all, they’d vowed to have my back. Then the stupid bastards did the one thing I’d explicitly asked them not to; they strolled down the hall, leaving me and Harmony completely alone.


Clutching my self-control in a death grip, I studied the pale, shell-shocked woman beside me. “You okay?”

“I-I don’t know. That was…insane.”

“Hate to tell you this, but that crowd was small…and tame.” Her blue eyes grew wide and her pretty face turned a couple shades paler. Yeah, if Harmony decided to stick around, she’d need a shit-ton of acting lessons from Mia. Giving up hope that the mob outside hadn’t scared Harmony off, I jerked my head toward the hallway. “It’s show time. You ready?”

“Yes.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.

Fuck, she was cute, even when she was being foolishly brave.

While Sofia and Harmony stood silently on the other side of the room, my band brothers did their best to keep the DJ’s focus on our latest album and the new tour. But based on the weight of the air, growing heavier by the second, I knew his attention would soon veer off Ozzy and Mia’s newfound love and speed straight for me.

My ass had spent plenty of time in the hot seat, especially after rehab. Still, experience didn’t stop my heart from chugging or my palms from sweating. Having my nuts roasted sucked elephant balls.

A few minutes later, as expected, the DJ turned a sympathetic expression my way. “Ross Walker. Damn glad you made it today, man. You’re looking good…looking really good.”

The grief in his soft, somber tone reminded me of the people who’d whispered their condolences at my grandma’s funeral when I was ten. I wanted to slam my fist through his face. Instead, I slid on my actor skin and let go of my anger.

“Thanks,” I murmured as I turned and pinned Harmony with a sensual stare meant to melt her into a puddle. When she sucked in a startled gasp and her blue eyes flared, I knew I’d achieved that objective. “I feel good, damn good, in fact.”

The DJ followed my line of sight and smirked. “Is she the reason?”

“She is.”

“So, the rumors about you—”

“Are lies.”

“And you’re not thinking about committing—?”

“No. The only sin I’m going to commit is stripping my girl naked once we get back to the hotel and enticing her to scream the Lord’s name in vain until she’s in a coma,” I said in a growl as I held her with a hungry half-lidded stare.

A coy smile, as if she were keeping a million naughty secrets, tugged her lips. “You did that last night and this morning. It’s a miracle I can talk at all, let alone walk.”

Her sultry tone, wrapped in that sweet southern drawl, made me want to launch from my chair and drag her straight to my bunk on the bus.

“Folks, I wish you could see the sparks flying off these two. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole damn studio bursts into flames.” The DJ laughed.

She was definitely setting me on fire, no doubt about it.

The announcer arched a quizzical brow and smiled. “What’s your name, honey?”

“Mine,” I snarled.

“Whoa, easy, big guy.” The DJ chuckled nervously. “Your fans will kill me if I don’t give them some juicy details about your beautiful, sexy mystery woman.”

“Then tell me what you want carved on your headstone.”

“I think you’re scaring him, baby.” Harmony chuckled as she pushed off the wall and walked toward me. The sway of her hips, though not overt, had me salivating.

When she eased in beside me and cupped my shoulder, I tensed. The guys knew my limits, and I could tell each one was holding their breath as they watched with wide eyes. They grew Copyright 2016 - 2024