Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,25

my head. It was flattering that the fans loved us, loved our music, but I never understood why they lost their damn minds around us or why groupies lined the halls of our dressing rooms after each concert, peddling pussy. Once upon a time, I dipped my dick in tons of those willing women, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what a single one of them looked like now.

When the dude on the phone finally stopped screaming and gave the DJ his name, he sobered quickly. “Hey, can I say something to Ross?”

“Sure, man. What’s up?” I asked.

“Wow, I can’t believe this…I’m actually talking to the Ross Walker…the most amazing drummer on the planet. My girlfriend is going to be so damn jealous,” the caller said in total awe.

“Then, hell, man…don’t tell her,” I scoffed.

“Nah, it’s all cool. What I wanted to say is, if you’re thinking of checking out, don’t do it. My brother ate a bullet two years ago, and I’m still struggling with what he did.” When the man’s voice cracked, my heart turned to lead.

“I’m sorry about your brother, dude. That sucks. But I’m not planning on leaving this world anytime soon. I swear.”

“Thank you. I know you don’t know me, but your songs, especially “Empty Nights,” got me through the really rough days after his death.”

“I’m glad we were able to help in some small way. Stay strong, brother, and we’ll see you backstage before the concert tomorrow night.”

“Hell yeah,” he cheered. “Oh, I need to warn you, Ross. My girlfriend is in love with you and will probably ask you to sign her tits.”

“I like tits,” Syd called out.

I chuckled and shook my head. “I’ll make sure I have a marker on me.”

Chapter Six


Words couldn’t describe the relief I felt when the DJ turned his focus from Ross to Mia and began quizzing her about opening for the tour. With the spotlight now off Ross, I didn’t have to worry about performing anymore and had all the time in the world to worry and wonder if my act had been convincing enough.

Had I laid it on too thick, too thin, or just right? Should I have said or done something different like crawl across Ross’s lap and throw my arms around his neck?

No. Because after that smoldering look he’d sent me—again—I would have needed a crowbar to pry myself off him.

Oh, I knew his erotic, half-lidded stare was all an act, but it didn’t keep quivers of arousal from skipping through me. Thank goodness I didn’t embarrass myself in the studio like I had on the bus. How could I let myself believe his seduction had been real? It was too late now to change my reaction. Still, his fiery sexual aura was wreaking havoc with my hormones.

Doubly relieved when the interview was done, I focused on gathering my courage to parade back through the throng of fans and reporters waiting outside. As Ross moved in beside me, I tried leaching some of his confidence but kept getting sidetracked by his woodsy, masculine scent.

“You could have won an Academy Award for that performance you just gave.” His rich, deep voice slid over me like warm honey.

Wait. Did Ross just give me a compliment?

Searching his face for any hint of sarcasm, I found none.

“I really did okay?”

He scoffed and slid a gaze outside, where the crowd was loudly chanting, “Licks of Leather,” then turned his attention back to me. “The others are going to form a circle around us so we don’t get cut off again, but you still need to stay close.”

“Darn. I was hoping there was a back door we could sneak out and avoid all that.”

“Let’s circle the wagons,” Burk called out.

“All that.”—Ross pointed to the crowd—“is free publicity. We don’t ever turn that shit down. I’ll keep you safe. Trust me.”

Putting my faith in the goddesses, the earth, stars, and cycles of the moon came natural to me. Trusting Ross to keep the mob from squeezing the life out of me wasn’t natural at all. Still, he’d proven himself capable of getting me inside the studio. I had little choice but to trust he’d get me back on the bus in one piece.

“Let’s move out. I’ve reserved a restaurant for lunch,” Quinn announced.

“Did he just say he’d reserved an entire restaurant?” I whispered to Ross.

“Yeah. It’s the only way we can all eat a meal in peace when we’re together. You ready?”

I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin, Copyright 2016 - 2024