Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,20

device from his pocket and smiled. “Hey, baby, what’s up?”

The adoration in his voice was nauseating. I had nothing against other people being in love, but I sure as shit didn’t want Cupid’s arrows anywhere near my sorry ass.

“Shit. I forgot all about the interview,” Burk groaned.

“Fuck, I did too,” Darren muttered.

I hadn’t, though I’d really wanted to, especially after reading the lies the vultures were spewing about me. Though I was going to be in the hot seat, I planned to do what I always did—sit quietly and let Syd be Syd while the others answered questions.

“We’re on our way down.” Burk paused, then sent me a supportive nod. “Yeah, all of us. Don’t ever underestimate the power of the brotherhood, baby.”

“Amen.” Ozzy grinned as he and the others stood.

With a heavy sigh, I rose from the couch and followed them out of the suite.

Stepping onto the bus behind Darren, the guitar player drew up short and murmured over his shoulder, “Heads up. We’re not alone.”

I knew he wasn’t talking about Sofia and Mia being onboard. That was a given.

“Lovely,” I drawled under my breath as I nodded to our driver, Kenny, and started down the long, narrow aisle.

Sofia, Mia, Quinn, and Harmony were seated on a long leather couch in the middle of the coach. Ignoring everyone but our meddling agent, I pinned him with a glare.

Quinn briefly closed his eyes and grimly nodded. “Thank you for reconsidering and joining—”

“You and I aren’t done. Not by a long shot,” I snarled, sliding onto the chair across from him and the girls.

“I know, but we can’t shut the press down if you keep a closed mind.”

“I might have tried to keep it open from the beginning if you hadn’t pulled out a fucking crowbar.”

“Please. You wouldn’t have been any more receptive to the idea if I’d handed Harmony to you on a silver platter, and you damn well know it.”

And because I was a sick, twisted fuck, my mind filled with images of Harmony, naked and poised on a silver platter, innocently waiting for me to devour her like a big bad wolf.

Focus, fucker.

“I already told you I don’t give a shit what the tabloids say.”

“You should. The lies they spin reflect badly on all of you. The sooner we prove their stories are bullshit, the better.”

“I thought controversy sold tickets. That’s what this is all about, right?”

“No. This isn’t about money. Your upcoming tour sold out in less than four minutes. It’s about procuring positive publicity instead of negative. It’s why I sent Sofia to join your last tour. I’m sorry you don’t like it, but I’m not going to sit back and let all her hard work swirl down the drain because you don’t give a shit what those assholes say about you.”

“Fine. Out of respect to Sofia, I’ll play your little game. But the second the press turns their attention on someone else, she strolls off the bus and flies back to Kentucky,” I said, jerking a thumb at Harmony.

“Deal.” Quinn nodded. “Let’s get some acting classes started.”

“What? Now?” I barked.

“No time like the present. Especially since Mia has generously offered to be an on-site acting coach for you two.”

“I don’t need a damn coach. I know how to…act.”

Beside me, Syd let out a long, loud belly laugh. “Dude, if you act like you’ve been for the past four years, she isn’t ever going back to Kentucky.”

“Though I appreciate y’all wagering bets on when I’ll go home, she is sitting right here,” Harmony reminded.

Clearly, the only way I was going to get everyone off my dick was to prove myself.

No time like the present. Yeah, well suck on this, Quinn.

I stood and crossed the aisle before dropping to one knee in front of Harmony. As I threaded my fingers through hers—struggling to dismiss the biting current surging up my arm—I leashed my beast in heavy chains. Then I shored up my barriers, dusted off an enamored expression that had been stored in mothballs for years, and slapped my loving boyfriend mask in place.

Harmony’s hypnotic blue eyes widened in unadulterated shock. Holding her prisoner with a seductive gaze, I felt a tempting tremor quake her body. The pulse point at the base of her neck started fluttering like hummingbird wings.

Every cell in my body ached to draw her to my lips and kiss her warm, silky flesh, drag my tongue along the inside of her wrist until she whimpered softly. But simply touching her like this was Copyright 2016 - 2024