Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,19


“Bullshit,” I spat. “If that’s all he was after he could have hired a million different groupies to act the part. But he didn’t. He hired the sweetest, most innocent woman on the planet because he knew she’d be my sexual napalm.”

“Is she?” Burk asked, biting back a smile and failing miserably.

I didn’t bother answering, simply sent him a glare and snarled.

“I’d say that’s a big hell yeah. She’s not only ball-churningly beautiful but she’s got virgin written all over her. I feel your pain, man,” Syd drawled, grabbing his junk. “Hell, if you don’t want her, give her to me. I’d gladly tap—”

“Don’t say another fucking word,” I roared, launching from the couch and drawing back a fist.

Always the peacekeeper, Burk stood and stepped between us. “Easy, man. Don’t kill him. He’s just mouthing off.”

“Then give me a ball gag so I can shut his ass up.”

“I like the big, red rubber ones,” Syd said with a laugh.

“You’re not helping, fucker,” Ozzy drawled.

“Sorry. My bad,” Syd apologized with a sheepish smirk. “It’s just…she’s so fucking tempt—”

“Shut up,” the others bellowed in unison.

“Sit down and chill out, man.” Burk nodded toward my seat as he placed a calming hand on my shoulder. “Let’s find a way to work around this…challenge.”

With an inward scoff, I flopped down again. The only challenge I had to work around was keeping the dangerous urge to strip Harmony bare and drag her beneath me.

“I have an idea,” Darren announced.

“Spit it out,” I grumbled.

“It’s not going to solve your issues with Quinn, but if you and Harmony can quickly convince the paparazzi that you two are madly in love, they’ll turn their crosshairs on someone else. There’d be no reason for Harmony to stay with us for the whole tour. Once the tabloids are done gorging on your relationship, she can go back to…”

“Kentucky,” I mumbled. “She’s from Kentucky.”

“That explains her sweet southern accent,” Darren quipped.

“He’s right.” Ozzy lifted his somber expression my way. “Mia can help coach you two. She and Nigel spent years pretending to be a couple.”

“They were damn convincing, too,” Burk added.

“True.” I nodded, pondering the suggestion.

“I wouldn’t have believed they’d never slept together if I hadn’t heard it from you, Oz,” Darren added.

Leaning in, Ozzy pinned me with a somber stare. “Remember what Burk told me when I was losing my shit over Mia?”

“Which part?”

“That everything was going to be fine, because you all had my back?” I nodded. “Well, everything is still going to be fine, because we all have yours. We’re not letting you quit. Got it?”

The conviction, understanding, and love in his voice brought a lump to my throat.

“No, we’re not,” Burk seconded. “You’re stuck with us.”

“Until we’re old and gray and wearing Depends on stage,” Syd chortled.

“I’m never putting on a fucking diaper,” I barked at the bass player. “I’ll shit my pants first.”

“Oh, the groupies will love that.” He laughed, then quickly sobered. “Fuck. If we’re still performing when we’re that old, will the groupies still want to play with our dusty old balls?”

“Forget those chicks; I just want to be able to get it up for Tori.” Darren cringed.

“I’ll have to turn into a Viagra addict,” Syd howled.

“If you keep sticking your dick in anything with a pulse, your shit will rot off long before erectile dysfunction sets in,” I chided dryly.

“At least I’m getting some, fucker,” Syd countered with a grin.

“So, you’re staying, right?” Burk’s face was etched in concern.

“Yeah, I’m staying,” I mumbled. “But only if you guys swear that you’ll never leave me alone with Harmony.”

While the others looked a bit puzzled by my request, Syd threw a fist pump in the air and grinned. “Hell yes! I love watching porn.”

“I’m not going to fuck her,” I snarled.

“Then you’re an idiot,” Syd said, shaking his head sadly.

“No. I just refuse to give Quinn the satisfaction of letting some chick mess with my head if that’s what he’s really up to.”

“Good luck with that,” Ozzy muttered slyly.

The keyboard player might have been crazy enough to let Mia fuck with both his heads…twice, but I wasn’t a fool. I was simply more jaded. No way would I let Harmony sink her claws into me.

No, you’ll just fantasize about her claws raking down your back while you fuck her breathless every night, jacking off, a little voice in my head mocked.

Highly likely, but fantasies were the only sure way to keep me from destroying us both.

When Burk’s cell phone began to ring, he pulled the Copyright 2016 - 2024