Rock Me Faster (Licks of Leather #4) - Jenna Jacob Page 0,21

pushing the envelope and putting us both in dangerous territory. Still, I had a point to make. If they wanted a performance, by god, I intended to knock them on their asses. And if I could scare Harmony off in the process…all the better.

“Yes, you are here, princess.” Whispering in an alluring tone that hadn’t wrapped my vocal cords in years, I dragged a knuckle softly down her cheek. “Trust me, beautiful. There’s no place on earth I want you to be other than here, with me.”

Harmony’s eyes grew wide as she lifted a trembling hand to her mouth.

“Whoa, damn,” Mia whispered.

I was still turning on the charm and getting lost in Harmony’s liquid blue pools when something that looked a lot like hero worship skipped over them.


I quickly released her hand, turned off the seduction, then sent Quinn a sarcastic smirk as I returned to my seat. “Still think I need an acting coach?”

Harmony’s enchanted expression gave way to cold, hard rejection.

A red blush crawled up her chest and stained her cheeks.

As she lowered her lashes, I caught a glimpse of tears filling her eyes.

The sight of what my callous behavior had done to her was a kick to the gut. Guilt sluiced through my veins, and I felt like the biggest prick on the planet. Clenching my jaw, I bit back a howl and started mentally practicing my acceptance speech for the Asshole of the Year Award.

“You don’t,” Mia answered assuredly, sending Harmony a supportive but sympathetic smile as she bravely lifted her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you play your part convincingly.”

“Maybe I’m not cut out to be an actress.” Insecurity saturated Harmony’s words.

Son of a bitch. Obviously, destroying her spirt wasn’t enough. I had to go and send a tsunami of doubt to drown her as well. Even worse was knowing that none of this was her fault. This innocent beauty who probably didn’t have a cynical bone in her body, unlike me, was nothing but a casualty of the war Quinn was waging between me and the media. Harmony had no logical reason to even be here, let alone get herself involved in my miserable shit show.

“Nonsense.” Quinn waved her worries away. “You’ll—”

“Just follow my lead. You’ll do fine, princess.”

I had no idea what possessed me to reassure her. Guilt? Probably. And this was why I wanted her on the next plane to Kentucky. I was a piss-poor excuse for a human being and an even worse pseudo-boyfriend. But all that aside, I’d never survive living with the temptation of Harmony Sharp day in, day out for the next six months. What little self-control I possessed would crumble.

No, I wasn’t a pussy, but even Superman couldn’t defend himself against Kryptonite. And the beautiful, innocent temptress sitting across from me was far more lethal to my restraint than all the Kryptonite in comiclandia.

“Oh, shit,” Mia mumbled, peering out the window as the bus rolled to a stop. “Quinn, seriously. You cannot thrust her into that. Harmony needs more time.”

I turned and stared at the swarm of screaming fans and reporters clogging the entrance of the radio station. My gut knotted, and my heart started thrumming wildly. I wasn’t even in the right headspace to face that crowd with her on my arm. Harmony had to be having an internal meltdown right now.

“Mercy,” she exhaled on a shaky breath.

“If we’re going to nip this in the bud, we have to start now.” Quinn frowned. “I’m sorry, Harmony, but are you up for a little trial by fire?”

“No,” I bellowed. “You’re not sending her into that viper pit without some practice.”

“I agree,” Burk piped up. “Harmony isn’t ready for this.”

“Thanks, both of you, but I’m not made of glass.” Harmony swallowed tightly. “I know now what I have to do. I’m not afraid of facing your fans, but the press—”

“Should scare you shitless. They’re ruthless and will tear you to shreds,” I warned.

“Maybe. But I’m not facing them alone. You’ll all be beside me, right?” When I nodded, she stood and resolutely lifted her chin. “Then let’s do this.”

Harmony was either the most naïve woman on the planet or the bravest, I wasn’t sure which. I did know one thing. I had to keep her from coming unglued when the paparazzi pounced.

Making sure my barriers were anchored securely, I stood and eased in beside her, leaning close to her ear. I didn’t want Quinn to overhear me and nix my suggestion. “You don’t have to do this. Copyright 2016 - 2024