The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,460

porch. “I know a little something about human nature. This kind of chemistry is rare and dangerous between people who have no business being in relationships.”

I laugh. “Who said anything about a relationship?”

Her lips, still glistening from our kiss, tip up at the corners. “Be grateful that I’m just as determined to stay single as you are. Because if I wasn't, you'd be in real trouble.”

I laugh. “You’re crazy.”

"So, you’re telling me that kiss didn’t fry your circuits?”

"I've had better.” I lie again.

She laughs and shakes her head. “Okay. If that’s how you want to play it. But I’ve never felt like that with anyone. I’ve come close once…and trying to forget him led me to do wildly stupid things - like get married. I don’t even want to imagine the kind of carnage you’d leave behind if I let you.”

“So, we’re attracted to each other. Why are you making it sound like that means something?”

“The fact that you pretend it doesn’t, is exactly why you should stay away from me. Think of it as an act of self-preservation.”

I scoff. “I haven’t asked you for anything.”

“Oh, but you did. Specifically, you asked to suck my nipples, and fuck and kiss me at the same time.”

Heat flushes up my neck and blood rushes to my dick just hearing her say those words to me.

“And you’re telling me you don’t want me to?”

She stands up, suddenly. “I knew you'd do this. Touch me and try and to pretend you didn't mean it."

“You’re the one who kissed me.”

"Really?" she asks, exaggerating the R so her lips pucker making them even more delectable. “You want to do this dance, Tyson? Fine. I’m game. But, and I bet you...anything you want...that it's you, not me, who'll break first."

I eye her, intrigued. “I’m starting to think you want me to swallow that hook you keep dangling?”

She walks over to stand toe to toe with me and gazes up into my eyes, all humor gone from her expression. “Maybe I do. Wishing for things I can’t have is kind of my specialty. You’re better off just ignoring me.”

I’m confounded by this woman.

“Good night, Tyson. And Merry Christmas.”

Then she turns on her pretty little heel and walks away.

I sit in the chair she just vacated and am surprised to find it warm from her body.

I replay our conversation and I find myself stuck every time I get to the end of it. She looked me straight in the eye, she didn’t pretend or play coy. And after growing up in a home built on secrets and lies, I find that very appealing.

And terrifying.

I’m not interested in anyone taking a deep dive into my thoughts and feelings. I don’t know what she saw that night, but I remember what I felt.

And she’s right. I could find myself in the same spiral of hell I’ve watched all my friends and family go through and that is the last thing I want.

I’ve been served well by being unapologetically self-centered, ambitious, and unavailable. She’s right about one thing, distance is the best thing for both of us.

The sooner I get out of Rivers Wilde, the better.

Chapter 11


Wilde at Heart

“What the hell is going on?” Remi’s angry voice startles me out of my tranquil doze. I sit up too fast, my feet slip from their perch, and I slide into the soapy hot water. I scramble to grip the side of the tub and stop myself from sliding all the way under.

I glower up at Remi, who’s standing over me like some sort of avenging angel. “What are you doing?”

His scowl deepens and he shakes his head. “You got the job at CNN.”

My stomach falls and I close my eyes against the accusation in his eyes.

“Who told you?”

“Dean. He thought I knew. But what I don’t understand is why you didn’t you tell me?”

“I can explain,” I say my voice heavy with dread. I steel myself and then reach over to snap my before I stand up to get out of the tub.

He steps back to give me room and watches me in a heavy, stony silence while I slip it on and tie the belt.

“I’m sorry. I got the offer and I decided to turn it down. And I just hadn’t figured out how to tell you, or Dean yet.”

He closes the space between us in one stride and grabs me by the arms. “I don’t understand. You’re turning it down?”

I nod, but keep my miserable eyes on his chest, not sure Copyright 2016 - 2024