The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,459

at me. "You know why. What's weird is that you don't do the same. Every time I turn around, there you are."

I laugh again, this time longer and louder. "You can't really think I'm following you, Dina..."

"Aren't you?"

"You need to get over yourself. I'm not even thinking about you. You on the other hand, with all your darting glares and making a show of going in the opposite direction when you see me, seem determined to make people ask if something is going on between us."

She gasps and shakes her head in chagrin "The only thing bigger than your ego--"

"Is my dick." I finish for her.

"Is your lack of tact,” she says primly.

"And - my bank account," I offer.

She scoffs. "You are so sad. You think money and your dick are all you have to give."

“They’re all I want to give.” I correct her.

“Also, sad."

"Well, from what I just heard, seems like you gave more, and it didn't turn out too well for you. So, who's sad and who's right?"

"You don't know anything about me Tyson and the little I know of you --"

"Hey, we've established that what you know of me isn't little at all."

She snorts in disgust. "If I'd known that I was going to walk into work on Monday and see you, I wouldn’t have--"

"Taken it up the ass twice?"

She stomps her foot. "Why are you doing this?"

I grin and take a step toward her. “Because, I know that you like it.”

"Stop it." She says it with flashing eyes, but her voice is husky. And she shifts in her shoes, her thighs rubbing together as she changes her posture.

I smile. "If you want more, I’d be willing to make an exception.

She laughs. "I'll never let you close enough to touch me again.”

“Don't say things like that, I only hear a challenge when you do. And the risk of you falling in love with me after another encounter is pretty high.”

She laughs so uproariously that she doubles over. Intent on making her eat that laugh, I move until I’m standing just inches from her.

She blinks and takes a step back. I grab her forearms and drag her back to me.

"I think you keep your distance because you want me.”

Her pretty dark red lips part and instead of the feisty, angry retort I expect, she just sort of whimpers. And the sound does things to my dick. “I think you’re projecting.”

I laugh, but it thin and false. Because I do want her. The air around us thickens and my eyes are riveted to that luscious mouth. It looks like it would taste sweet, spicy, hot. I want to kiss her. So badly. But I’ll never tell her that.

“You are a liar,” she whispers and then without warning, she lifts up onto the tips of her toes and presses her lips to mine.

I’m not prepared for this full-frontal assault and when her tongue slides over my top lip, I can’t hold back the groan that her honeypot of a mouth elicits. She tastes so good and I want to drown in her sweetness. I wrap a hand around her delicate throat and push her against the wall. Her hands glide up my shoulders to cup the back of my neck. The pulse in the base of her throat jumps under my finger when I sink my teeth into her plump bottom lip and suck it into my mouth.

She whimpers and the sound triggers a frenzy in me. My mind shouts, “more,” over and over until I don’t remember my own name.

I cup her breast and knead it until her nipple furls tight against my palm. Her hips writhe against my thighs and I break our kiss, panting to catch my breath, “I want to suck your nipples. And God, I’m desperate to know what it’s like to fuck you and kiss this mouth of yours at the same time.” I drag my lips down her creamy neck and the way she smells is making me crazy.

“You wish,” she pants in my ear before she shoves me away.

I stumble back a step before I regain my balance and I glower at her, panting and confused. “What the hell?”

She runs her hands over her dress and crosses her arms over her chest. "I was just proving my point.”

“I never said I wasn’t attracted to you,” I hiss while I straighten my shirt and trying to clear my lust addled mind.

She sighs and drops into one of the wicker chairs that dot the Copyright 2016 - 2024