The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,442

matter where we live, she’ll be gone a lot. It just feels like more stolen time. And honestly, I hate the idea of it.”

“So, why are you pretending to be happy about it? That doesn’t seem fair to you or her.”

I scowl at him again. “I’m not pretending. Mind your own fucking business.”

He chuckles. “Hmmm, Nosey doesn’t like the taste of his own medicine, huh?”

“I’m not nosey. I’m in charge. There’s a difference.”

“Okay. Whatever you need to tell yourself.”

I open the back of my truck and Stone lifts his suitcase into the open rear compartment and for the first time I notice that his luggage is hot pink.

“You just shattered my illusion of you as badass Dr Indiana Jones with that Legally Blonde inspired luggage set.” I lift his other case into the back and close the trunk.

“It’s easy to spot in the sea of black cases. And Eva bought it for me, so…” He shrugs but smiles at the mention of my niece before he walks round to his side of the car.

If I could have handpicked a partner for my sister, it would have been this man. He managed to do what I couldn’t – get close to my notoriously hard to read brother, Tyson and get Regan to trust him enough to let him share her burdens.

I start the truck and he reclines his seat as far back as it’ll go and with a loud, long yawn, he closes his eyes. I give him a once over and notice he’s sporting a short beard instead of his normally clean-shaven jaw. Despite how tired he sounds, he looks tanned and well rested. “You look like you’ve been on vacation. Good trip?”

He smiles but keeps his eyes closes. “Man. It was better than vacation. They’re doing really good work there.”

“Hard to leave?”

“No.” He sounds defensive and a frown replaces his relaxed expression.

“Are you sure?”

His eyes pop open and he stares at the roof of my car. “Yeah. Or…” he bites his lip. “Actually… I don’t know.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes again. “Never mind.”

Intrigued now, I turn the music off. “Come on, you know you can tell big brother Remi anything.” I cajole and nudge his shoulder.

He opens his eyes, rolls them, but doesn’t say anything. But by the time we pull out of the airport parking lot. His knee is bouncing.

“If you can’t sit still, you have to tell me. It’s obvious you want to.”

He blows out a harsh breath and runs a hand over his scruffy chin. “I haven’t even told Regan yet.”

“Well, who better than to practice on than her twin?”

“You can’t say anything until I’ve had a chance to tell her,” he warns.

I hold up my right hand. “I swear.”

He brings his seat up so he’s at the same angel as I am. “They offered me a job with the foundation.”

I reach a hand over to pat his shoulder. “That’s great.”

“No, it’s not. It’s in Baja.”

“And? You guys love it there. And isn’t that the kind of job you’ve always wanted?”

He shrugs and shoves a hand through his hair. “It was. I thought so, anyway; But, I can’t take it. Regan and the kids love their lives here.”

I scoff. “They love you. And the kids are young enough, especially the twins, to adapt quickly.”

“But Eva… She’s a tween and she’s so into her drama club. And she’s got her first little crush.”

I grunt my disapproval. “I hope you’ve shut that shit down.”

He shakes his head. “You know as well as I do that’s the fastest way to make sure she decides he’s a hill she’ll die on. And it’s not like she’s going to marry him. Do you even remember the name of the girl you liked when you were your twelve?”

“Yup -Kal.”

He groans. “Bad example. And it’s not about him. She’s got a life. She and Bianca are best friends. Look how they cried like they were dying when Eva and the boys went to see their dad? If by some miracle Regan wanted to go, if Eva didn’t, what would we do, then?”

“She could stay with my mom or with her dad—”

He shakes his head vehemently. “Regan wouldn’t want to live without her daughter. And I’d never ask it of it her. It’s dead in the water. I’m not taking the job.”

He sounds completely certain, but I know Stone. The fact that he’s even talking to me about it means it’s weighing heavy on his mind.

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