The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,443

and Hayes’ tomorrow…” it’s his turn to change the subject and my turn to let him.

“What about it?”

“Are you ready to spend Christmas Eve with Lucas and Gigi versus Tina”

I laugh. “You make it sound like a WWE event.”

“Well, according to Regan last time they saw each other, it almost was.”

I shrug. “My mother’s over it.”

“And what about you?”

“I’m fine,” I answer honestly. “It’s not his fault and there’s no point holding a grudge against him. He’s trying to get to know us and I want to get to know him. I’m more worried about — ”

“Tyson.” He finishes my sentence.

I sigh and run and over my chin. “I pressured him into coming tomorrow and now I feel like shit about it.”

“He wouldn’t come if he didn’t want to.”

“I’m not sure that’s true. I know he wants the world to think he’s a selfish bastard. But he’s swallowed a lot of his own wants for this family.”

“Because he loves you guys. Whatever the reason, they are his choices.”

“I guess. But, now he’s applying for this position in Paris. And I can’t help but think it’s because he wants to get away from us and not because he’s trying to make a strategic career move, as he put it.”

“Paris isn’t exactly a work camp in the Gobi Desert. The distance will give him some perspective. Don’t worry about him. He knows how to take care of himself.”

Stone is closer to Tyson than anyone else is, so I take comfort from how sure he sounds.

“Man…You in Mexico, Tyson in France. I’m about to find out what it’s like to be in Rivers Wilde without both my siblings.”

He snorts. “I’m not taking the job.”

I don’t say anything in response. But he wants this job, and when that becomes clear to Regan, she’ll want it for him.

And I’d be happy for them, but God, I’d miss them. We’re twins and have been close our whole lives. We’ve lived apart before, but I’ve gotten used to her being here.

I love watching our kids are growing up together and knowing she two streets over and safe in the house she and Stone share.

When we pull off the exit to our Rivers Wilde, I check the time and realize it’s been an hour since I talked to Kal. I dial her cell and it goes to voicemail.

“Hmm.” I frown at my phone.

“What’s wrong?” Stone asks.

“Kal said her phone was dying. But she should be back in her room by now.”

“Maybe it’s charging and off.”

“Maybe.” I scroll through my call history and hit the number for the hotel.

A chirpy woman answers before it even rings. “Thank you for calling the Ambassador Hotel, Atlanta, how may I direct your call?”

“I’m trying to reach a guest, Khalilah Wilde?”

“Just a second.” The keyboard clacks on the other end. “I’m sorry there’s no one here by that name.”

“It’s Wilde with an e at the end,” Stone interjects.

“Oh, sorry, let me look at again,” she says and puts me on hold this time.

“That happens a lot when I call hotels for Regan,” Stone remarks absently.

I only nod, my grip tightening as I wait for her to come back.

“I’m so sorry, sir. I can’t find anyone by that name.”

I exchange a surprised glance at Stone and try to ignore the way my pulse speeds up. I grab my phone and scroll to the text message she sent me when she arrived.

“She’s in room 1030.”

“Oh, okay, let me see…one second, yes. I see her now. I’m sorry about that.”

I breathe in relief. “Can you connect me?”

“Well, the reason she wasn’t coming up in my search with her name is because she checked out this morning.”

“I know. But she checked back in when her flight was cancelled.”

“Maybe she chose another hotel. We don’t have a guest by that name here now.”

“Oh. Okay...” I respond woodenly as my mind races with questions and worry.

“Sorry. I hope you find her. Have a good day.” I hang and replaying the conversation I had with her when a horn behind me startles me. I wave an apology to the car behind me and move through the green light.

“Siri, give me directions to the Ambassador Hotel in Atlanta Georgia.”

“Siri, ignore him.” Stone says and grabs my phone.

“What the hell are you doing?” I snap. “Put the phone back.”

He shakes his head. “Look, I get why you’re worried, but before you do whatever you’re thinking about doing, give her a chance to call you back.”

“Fine. She’s got as long as it takes Copyright 2016 - 2024