The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,441

so close to Christmas.”

“Babe, my happiness is yours.”

“I know. I know…and I’m so grateful-”

“Kal,” my voice is harsher than I mean for it to be but her talk of gratitude grates. “I’m your husband. It’s what you should expect. Lord knows it’s what I expect of you.”

“I know,” she says in a voice that’s too quiet for my liking.

I lighten my tone. “When you get home tomorrow morning, it’ll still be Christmas Eve.”

“I know. And I can’t wait, I miss you so much,” she sighs.

“I miss you more.”

“That’s not possible, but I know you really think that, so I’m not going to argue.” I laugh, relieved that she sounds less stressed.

“So, did you bring Bianca with you to the airport?” she asks.

“She went to Regan’s last night, spent the night.”

“She left you all by yourself?”

That seems to be the trend when it comes to the women in my life. I push the self-pity away. “Reggie’s keeping Phoenix for a couple of nights and you know much B loves him and you know she and Eva don’t miss a chance to stay up all night talking and strategizing.”

She laughs and then lets out a low whistle. “Regan has Phoenix, too? Lord, she’s crazy having all five kids with her at once.”

“More like she’s broody – and playing house with other people’s babies scratches her itch.” It scratches mine, too and I wish I’d volunteered to take him before they asked Regan.

“I love you,” she says. As if she reading my mind, I detect the hint of apology in it.

“I know you do.” We haven’t talked about babies again since that awkward day three months ago and I’m not eager to rehash it now.I glance at my watch. “Listen. Stone’s flight landed almost thirty minutes ago; he should be clearing customs now.”

She sighs. “Don’t worry you’re off the hook, my battery is dying anyway.”

I laugh and then stop abruptly when I hear the distinct sound of an airport announcement in the background. “Are you still at the airport?”

“Oh. Uh- yeah… I’m just… waiting for the hotel shuttle.”

I glance at my watch. “It’s been three hours since your flight was cancelled.”

“They had a lot of people to take back and forth with all the canceled flights. I wasn’t in a rush to get back, so I had breakfast. They’re on their way back to get me.”

“Why didn’t you take a car?”

“Remi, stop it. I’m fine. And my phone really is dying.”

“Well, you’re not off the hook. Call me when you get back to your hotel.” I demand.

“Only if you tell me you love me, too.”

I laugh and the knot of irritation in my chest loosens “I love you. Always, forever, until the end of my life, Khalilah Wilde.”

She sighs, a sweet exhalation that carries longing and love within it. “That’s better. Same. Bye.”

I see Stone coming down the escalator, I and push off the post I’ve been leaning on and make my way toward him.

When his gaze lands on me, surprise lifts his eyebrows before he waves in greeting.

“Did you forget I was picking you up?” I say when we reach each other.

He shakes his head as if to clear it of cobwebs and smiles. “I did. And I spent the last three hours daydreaming about kissing my wife, but you’re not a bad sight for sore eyes, either.”

“You’re not the only one whose wife-kissing dreams got deferred.”

“Oh shit, what happened to Kal?”

“Bad weather in Atlanta. Her flight was cancelled. She’ll be in tomorrow.”

I take a few steps before I realize he hasn’t moved? ““Are you okay?” I ask when he just stands, staring at me.

He shakes his head and starts walking again. “Yeah, I’m just shocked as shit. I figured you’d be trying to charter a plane out to get her.”

I scoff, but grin because the thought crossed my mind when she called this morning. “You have no idea the restraint I’m showing right now, man. I want her home. But I have to get used to this. She’s going to be on the road a lot if she gets this job and delays are part of travel.”

“So, how’s that going to work?”

“She’ll work there during the week and come home on weekend.”

“So…are you’re cool with living long distance?”

I stiffen. “Fuck no.”

He nudges my shoulder with his. “I didn’t mean to touch a nerve. I was just asking.”

I blow out a breath and give him an apologetic, sheepish smile. “I know. It’s just… Fifteen years I lived without her. And now, no Copyright 2016 - 2024