The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,440

drawl and rocks my hips in search of pressure and relief.

“Tesoro, rest assured that when it comes to getting my dick as deep as possible inside you, I’m always ahead.”

My giggle turns into a long, low moan as he thrusts up hard, filling me completely. He buries his face in my neck, his breath hot against my skin and fucks me in short, fast pumps of his hips. I slip a hand under his shirt and dance my finger through the hair on his chest until I find one of his nipples. I scrape the stiff, flat surface with the edge of my nail, and he sighs. “Quando mi fai questo perdo la testa” When you do that it makes it crazy.

“I know. I’m the maestro of your pleasure,” I pant in his ear.

Having a baby the same year that I started my own firm has put a serious dent into the time we spend together. But even when time is not on our side, he’s relentless in his pursuit of my pleasure and he uses his powerful body to ensure that I’ll feel these few minutes for the rest of the day.

He slips a hand between us, his clever fingers rubbing my clit in the tight, firm circles he knows I love. It’s only a matter of minutes before I feel the first flicker of my orgasm. “I’m gonna come, Hayes.”

He pants in my ear “That’s right. And I’m going to make it so good. Just like you make my whole fucking life.”

I cup his cheeks and kiss him hard before I lean away and tell him one of my heart’s truths. “Sei tutto il mio mondo.” You are my whole world.

“And you are mine, my perfect, priceless Tesoro.”

My heart swell just as my release crests and I let it take me over the edge. He walks us over to his desk, lays me on it, puts my thighs over his shoulders and drives into me over. I relish the glorious expression on his face as he chases his pleasure inside of me and the sound of my name falling from his lips as he comes is music to my ears.

When we’ve caught our breath and floated back to earth, he sets me on my feet and tucks his semi erect dick back into his gray sweatpants. I slip past him and dash into the bathroom to clean up. When I come out, he looks ready to rumble - he’s leaning on his desk, his long legs crossed at the ankle, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest. But with one look at his face, I know I’ve already won. His lips are bright pink and kiss bruised and the smile that splits them is as bright as the gleam in his heavy lidded gaze.

“Let him come. You’re right that the kids deserve to know him.”

I clap excitedly and rush over to hug him. “Thank you, baby.” I press a kiss to his stubbled cheek.

He snorts a laugh and swats my ass before he cups it tenderly. “As if I’ve ever said no to anything once you’ve made me come.”

I laugh and link my hands behind his neck. “It’s the only predictable thing about you Hayes. But I also know that if you didn’t want to, really didn’t, nothing could make you say yes.”

His expression remains non-committal. “And if I’m wrong, and he’s got bad intentions, you’re no man’s fool. You’ll figure it before he can do any damage. And who knows? You might like him.”

“We’ll see.” Then, with a slap on my ass for good measure, he sends me back to my battlefield.

Chapter 4


Legends and Lies

“I’m so sorry, Remi.”

“Kal, I told you no more apologies. Unless somehow, you’re responsible for the bad weather and all the flights being sold out, too?”

My attempt at humor misses its mark and her voice is full of misery.

“No, I just feel terrible. I want to be home with you.”

“And tomorrow afternoon, you will be.”

When silence greets me, I push off the pillar I’m leaning on and start pacing. The only reason I’ve been so cool about her flight being cancelled is because she’s sure to catch another one in the morning. “Right?” I press.

“Yes of course, sorry. It’s just…I wanted to wake up with you, and B—”

I stifle a groan. “Khalilah, stop it. Why are you flogging yourself over something you can’t help?”

“I know I’m driving you crazy. I’m sorry. It’s just… I know you weren’t happy about me cutting it Copyright 2016 - 2024