The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,69

know, and the old man could leave her out of his good thoughts, so long as she got the house, the prince, and the wealth.

“So, as long as we’re agreed, there’s a surprise for Emma upstairs.”

“Really? For me?”

“Yes. Cameron, I have your promises to all we’ve discussed?”

“Yes.” Cameron couldn’t deny George after everything he’d done for him. He wouldn’t have the life he had now without him. He wouldn’t have met Marti without George. It appeared George was making sure his life from then on would be taken care of as well.

“Okay, since everyone is finished eating, Cameron, would you take Emma upstairs to Marti? She’s the one who put the surprise together for Emma. She’s been working on it for me for two days straight. The girl has barely slept.

“Anyway, if she isn’t in her room, knock on the other door. Emma knows which one. She spends every waking moment with me or in her rooms working.

“Cameron, you’ll want to see Emma’s surprise. It’s quite extraordinary. More than I hoped it would be, or asked of Marti.

“Shelly, if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak to you while they go up. It’ll only take a few minutes, a chance for us to get to know each other a little better.”

“I’d like that, George. You’ve been so generous. I’ll see Emma’s surprise in a little while.”

She would too. She wanted to know what the great Marti had been up to for two days, so George could surprise Emma. She bet whatever it was, it was expensive.

Chapter Thirty

* * *

THE KNOCK AT the door dragged her out of her head and work. She took off her smock and studied the canvas and the pictures she used as a reference. She had to admit it was a good likeness. A few more hours of work and she’d have it finished.

“Is that you, Sugar Bug?” Marti stretched her back before covering the canvas.

“Yes. Daddy, too.”

“I’ll be right there.” She went through the connecting door into her bedroom. She kept the door in the hallway locked, so no one came in that way. She liked her privacy and didn’t want Cameron to see the project she was working on for him.

She stepped out into the hallway from her bedroom and stared down the hall at Emma. She held out her arms and said, “Come here, Sugar Bug. Oh, how I’ve missed you.”

Emma ran to her. Marti scooped her up and hugged her fiercely.

“You saw me a couple of days ago.”

“Way too long to go without you. How’s school?”

“Fine. I can write my letters in lower case now.”

“Excellent. Pretty soon you’ll be able to write me letters.”

“Are you going somewhere?” Cameron couldn’t help but ask. He needed to know where she was always. He wondered if she’d be willing to check in with him once a week and tell him what she was doing and where she was. Irrational, but he wanted to know at any time he could find her.

“Eventually,” was all she said. “How are you, Cameron?”

“Fine. Just fine.” He wasn’t fine without her. He’d never be fine again.

“You look tired, Marti.” They were heading down the hall toward the east wing. He didn’t know where she was taking them. “George said you’ve been up the last two nights finishing Emma’s surprise.”

“I have been. Wait till you see it, Sugar Bug. I hope you like it. George had some men come and build something for you. It’s wonderful.”

“I can’t wait to see it.”

Marti walked ahead of him. She lost her balance and almost dropped Emma. The hallway seemed to sway. Cameron grabbed her from behind, his big, warm hands clamped on her waist.

“Are you okay?” He held her hips and took the small step to her, pressing his body to hers. His throbbing cock pressed into the cleft of her bottom. She felt so good snug against his aching body. It had been too long since he’d felt her against him, since he’d touched her.

Disappointment lanced through him when she stepped away and continued onto the next door.

“I’m fine. Just tired. I haven’t been feeling well. It’s nothing. Probably just a touch of whatever Emma had.”

She made it to the door and put Emma down. When she stood back up the hallway swayed again. Cameron’s arms came around her and he pulled her back to his chest again. God, he felt good.

He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “What’s the matter with you, sweetheart?”

“Nothing. I’m fine,” she said over her shoulder. He Copyright 2016 - 2024