The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,70

was too close. If she turned just an inch, her mouth would brush his. She wanted to kiss him, but knew it would only lead to more pain.

“You’re pale and dizzy. You’re not just tired. Are you ill?”

“Don’t worry about me. Worry about your pregnant fiancé. I can take care of myself.”

She knew exactly what was wrong. Her period was a week late and she was pregnant with Cameron’s baby. At least she was ninety-nine percent sure. She’d bought a pregnancy test kit, several actually, and was going to take it, but she was afraid it would say yes. Hell, she was afraid it would say no. She was getting used to the idea. That’s all.

What would it matter anyway? He’d chosen Shelly time and again. Shelly was supposedly pregnant with his baby. He repeatedly said he wanted to make a life with her.

He hadn’t even considered he might have gotten her pregnant too. It’s not like she’d been prepared to make love to him. She’d woken up to him on top of her and she loved him so much she couldn’t resist him. She’d wanted him and damn the consequences.

The consequence was the sweetest gift. The one thing from Cameron she’d take with her when she left.

“I am worried about you. Please, if there’s something you need, let me help.”

“I don’t need help. I need some sleep. I’m just fine on my own.”

He released her and rubbed the back of his neck. She was pushing him away and he hated it.

“Okay, Sugar Bug. Are you ready for the best surprise ever?”

“Are you dying? George is dying. My mother died. Is that why everyone is telling me you’re leaving?”

Marti kneeled in front of Emma and took her shoulders in her hands. “You know I would never lie to you. I am not dying. I’m just fine. Do you believe me?”

Emma nodded yes.

“A lot of changes are happening in your life. Knight is dying and there is nothing we can do to make him better. It’s a part of life, people sometimes get sick and die.”

“Like my mom and Knight?”

“Yes, like them. I promise you, when it’s time for me to leave, I will make sure you can always reach me. I may not be with you here, but you’ll always be able to call me.”

“You promise,” she said, wanting it so badly.

“I promise you.” She kissed her on the forehead to seal the bargain. “Now, how about your surprise?”

Emma nodded and turned to the door.

“Cameron, cover her eyes.”

Cameron put his hand over Emma’s eyes and glanced at her questioningly.

“You’re going to love this. Even I’m nervous, and I’m the one who did it. Are you peeking, Emma?”

“No. Daddy has big hands.”

“Yes, he does.” Marti remembered every place on her body those big hands had touched and caressed. She didn’t look at him. She couldn’t. Her whole body echoed with the remembered sensation of their one morning together.

The blush rising up her neck and face told him what she was thinking. He was remembering too. The feel of Marti’s skin, the soft fullness of her breasts in his palms, the hot, wet, slick core of her sliding over his hard cock. Oh yes, he remembered it all.

She opened the door and stepped inside, grabbing her camera, which she’d left on and ready inside the room.

She glanced at Cameron, saw the surprise and shock on his face. He scanned the room and turned to her.

“You did this?” Choked up, all his emotions lodged in his throat. The room was spectacular. He couldn’t believe she’d done all this in two days.

Smiling, she told herself it didn’t matter what Cameron thought. It only mattered what Emma thought. But it did matter what Cameron thought. It mattered a lot.

She put the camera up to her eye. “Okay, Emma. You can look.”

As Cameron removed his hand and Emma stood stunned with a huge smile on her face, Marti snapped the picture to remember the moment.

“Oh my God. It’s a princess’s room. Just like in the medieval books you read to me. It’s just like the room in Tina’s Travels where she goes to England and visits the castles.”

“This is Princess Emma’s room.” She indicated with a sweep of her hand, drawing Emma’s attention to the wall behind her.

Princess Emma was hand-painted above the door, along with a vine of climbing roses trailing down the sides of the heavy wood doorframe. The entire room looked like stone block walls. Throughout the room, trailing vines of ivy and Copyright 2016 - 2024