The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,68

a lot to ask you to contact everyone and change the address, but it would really please me to know the wedding was held here.”

“Oh, George, what a lovely idea. Cameron, what do you think? We could let everyone know about the change in location without any trouble at all. It’s just a few phone calls. That’s all. The house and gardens are so lovely. We’ll start our marriage right here at our new home.”

Cameron didn’t care. He just wanted to give his children a family. “It’s fine with me. The location doesn’t matter. I think it’s a great idea.”

“Perfect,” said George.

“Now, for my second request. I’d like for all of you to move into the house the day after my death. I’ve already set up the movers and a few other small surprises. It will give you a few days to settle in before the wedding. I’d like your word, Cameron. The day after my death. It’s important. I don’t want the house to be empty after I’m gone.”

“But George, we’re talking about a week. You’ll still be here for the wedding.”

Cameron didn’t want to think of George dying before the wedding, or any time soon. He wanted to hope he’d make it longer.

His hope was for George and himself, because as long as George was alive, Marti was in his house. She wouldn’t go back on her promise to him. She wouldn’t.

George shook his head. He didn’t want to say any more about his death in front of Emma. She looked sad already, disappointed with Marti’s absence at dinner this evening.

“It’s what I want. Indulge an old man with a promise, Cameron, for my last request. This house will be yours and then Emma’s. I want to know you are here and the house isn’t empty for even a day.”

“I for one think it’s sentimental and wonderful. The house has meant so much to you and you want to know a real family is living here. Cameron, you can’t say no.”

Shelly couldn’t wait. She’d love to move into the big, castle-like mansion. She’d have it all tied up with a bow, her very own castle with her rich prince. What more could a girl ask for?

“Yes, you see. Even Shelly is excited. She can move in with you before the wedding. Not all the rooms are furnished in the east wing. I’m sure one of the rooms in the west wing will suit Shelly until after the ceremony.”

“Perfect,” she beamed. Whatever it took to solidify her place with Cameron.

So what if she had to stay in the guest room. In a matter of days, she’d be in the master suite with Cameron. The rest of her life would be spent living here with servants and she’d have luncheons and dinner parties. It was going to be grand.

“Emma, what do you think? Would you like to move in here? You were very small when we moved into the penthouse. It’s the only home you’ve ever known. This will mean a lot of changes for you.” Cameron wouldn’t make the promise without Emma’s consent.

“Will we get to go back and see Aunt Elizabeth and everyone else? I don’t want to move if I don’t get to see them.”

“Yes, honey. I’ll keep the penthouse, and we’ll stay there sometimes. You’ll see everyone as often as you like. I still work for Aunt Jenna and Aunt Elizabeth feeds me every day. We’ll still have them all in our lives. I promise you. You won’t lose them too.”

He meant in addition to her home, but what he really thought was she’d still have them after Marti was gone.

Her eyes reflected her understanding. She was already missing Marti.

“It’s settled. You’ll move in and be married here.”

“Agreed,” said Cameron. “So long as the other owner doesn’t object. This is going to be difficult to figure out until I know who the other owner is and if we’ll be able to live under the same roof. I need to know Emma and the baby will like this person and get along with them.”

“You have no worries there. I have a feeling it will all work out in the end. I know you very well, Cameron. I wouldn’t have arranged this if I thought it wasn’t good for you and Emma. Nothing is more important to me than the two of you. No offense, Shelly. They’ve been in my life a long time.”

“No problem, George. I know how special you are to them as well.” She did Copyright 2016 - 2024