The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,67

too intriguing to keep her mouth shut.

“Are you sure, Cameron? This is big. It’s very important to me you understand the promise must be kept. The item I’m giving to you will transfer to your ownership prior to your getting married. In fact, within days.”

“I understand what you’re saying.” He knew exactly what George was telling him. Ownership of whatever it was would occur before his marriage to Shelly. If they divorced, she’d have no claim to it.

“The thing I am giving to you, well half anyway, is this house and the property it sits on. The contents of the house will go to the person who owns the other half. Many things will be distributed to my children at that person’s discretion.”

“George, you’re giving me the house. Why? What about your children?”

“It’s my house and this is what I want. Emma should have a backyard to play in. It’s dark now, but I’ve had a playhouse and play yard set up in the back for her already.”

He took Emma’s hand. “You have swings and a slide. The playhouse was Marti’s idea. It’s a pirate ship with all kinds of toys. One day, if you have a brother or sister, you can play pirate with them. Marti made sure it had everything a little girl needed to play pretend.”

“Oh my gosh, Knight. My very own pirate ship, swings, and a slide. It’s all for me?”

“Yes, Princess. It’s all for you.”

“She’ll still be able to attend her school,” he said to Cameron. “When she’s bigger, a bus will pick her up and take her.

“The penthouse is nice, but I want you and your family to have a home. This is a home without a family. It’s time to fill it with love and laughter again. I want that family to be yours, Cameron.”

Cameron didn’t know what to say. “Will the other owner be one of your children?”

“No. The house is split into two sections, as you know. It’s large enough for two families. The east wing will be yours. You’ll have the master suite and two additional rooms, one of which will be Emma’s, of course.

“The west wing will be for the other owner. You’ll share the common space down here.”

“George, it’s too much. This house and the property are worth a fortune. Your children aren’t going to be happy about this.”

“It isn’t their house. It’s mine. They will be well taken care of after I’m dead. Don’t worry about them. They’re greedy monsters who only come to see if I’m dead and find out when they can collect.

“Unfortunately, they’ve been causing some problems for Marti. I regret she was put in this position, and I’m going to make things worse for her after my death.”

“What kind of problems are they causing Marti?” Cameron had given her enough pain and grief. She didn’t need George’s family harming her too.

“Stupid things really. They believe she’s influencing me. And, well, they think she’s going to inherit it all because she’s my mistress.”

“What’s a mistress?” Emma asked, searching all their faces.

Everyone ignored Emma’s question.

Cameron looked fit to kill at the thought of Marti being George’s mistress. She couldn’t be. He’d made it seem like she was, but it couldn’t be true. George was dying; he couldn’t possibly be sleeping with Marti.

“Cameron, you look like you swallowed a lemon. For God’s sake, boy, Walter is just trying to find an excuse to cause trouble and make sure the will goes in his favor. The Jag really annoyed him.”

“It was a lovely gift you gave Marti. I’m sure she deserved it.” Shelly was sure she had earned every penny the Jag cost. On her knees, no doubt. She wasn’t buying it Marti lived with the old man because they were old family friends. No way. Marti was in it for as much as she could get.

“It was a gift for someone who understands the value of being true to your word and not expecting something because of who you know, or who you were born to. She’s unique in a way that surprises me more each day.”

He smiled thinking of Marti. She’d been a true friend. He regretted things were going to get very difficult for her soon. He hoped his carefully laid plans would make everything work out in the end.

“Now, I think my next request will please Shelly. I know you are planning a small ceremony at the penthouse. I’d like you to have the ceremony here at your new home. I know it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024