Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,197

you to stay away from me.”

Despite his numerous attempts to come closer, I ignored him and gave him the cold shoulder ever since we’d arrived home. I was clearly annoyed by the level of closeness between him and my little sister. At this point in time, their relationship surpassed the one we used to share. While May and I had to get accustomed to each other all over again, she treated Alessandro as a big brother and she was more relaxed in his presence. The jealousy I felt at the sight of such an incredulous scene filled me with an inexplicable sense of resentment.

Alessandro reclined beside me in bed and gently brushed his knuckles against my bared shoulder, seeking my attention for the hundredth time that evening. “Olivia, know we have to discuss this.”

“Why? Why when your actions already speak louder than words?” I accused in a faint whisper and squinted my eyes. “There is just one thing I don't understand. How could you do it? How could you keep May away from me when you knew she was my entire world? I begged you so many times to let me look for her and you always refused. You knew she was safe the entire time while I was drowning in worry...the least you could have done was tell me she was alive. You could’ve given me that much, but you didn't.”

His expression sank and he appeared beaten. “Cara, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I was such a selfish asshole. You're right. I could have given you at least that much, but I was very self-absorbed and determined to make you give in to my demands. I didn't want to give you something for nothing. In my mind, I convinced myself you had to earn the privilege to see your sister,” he explained like it all made perfect sense to him.

“And you still feel that way...”

“No, of course not,” he said with absolute conviction. “I told you I own up to all my mistakes.”

“Then why would you keep it a secret for all these months?” I challenged.

“Because I didn't remember and when I did remember, I was afraid,” he admitted quietly. “Our marriage was hanging by a very thin thread. The revelation that I’ve known your family's whereabouts for these past five years wouldn't exactly work to my advantage. It took me a lot of time to collect the courage to take you there, Olivia.”

“That's why you didn't protest as much when I asked you to take me to our old neighborhood,” I concluded, shaking my head. “You knew I wouldn't find her.”

He sighed. “I'm not proud of what I've done, but you didn't know I’d regained my memory, so I felt like I had to play along. But when I saw you crying in front of your old house, it almost broke my heart. I was at the verge of telling you the truth.”

“But you didn't,” I reminded him.

“What can I say, cara...I'm a coward. I didn't want to risk losing you before I even found you.”

“So, why take me there now?” I demanded. “Why when you knew it would make me upset with you all over again?”

He caressed my cheek. “Because, for once, I thought about you and not myself. You've been through so much, piccola and you deserve a little happiness. Life is not only about disappointment and pain.”

I gulped as the last traces of my anger evaporated and gave way to sadness. “That's all I've ever known,” I said quietly. “After a while, you get used to it.”

“No. Not anymore,” he reprimanded softly. “It's past time to break old habits. A gentle and kind soul like you should be treated with caution and care. If anyone ever dares to hurt you again, I'm going to make them regret it. That includes myself.”

I gave him a sad smile. “I believe that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me.”

He reciprocated my smile with the same amount of nostalgia. “I can be quite romantic when I set my mind to it.”

“You can also be quite manipulative and you’re very successful at it,” I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest. “I would even go as far as calling it your expertise.”

“Is that so?” His eyes glistened with amusement.

I arched my eyebrows and gave him a cutting look. “Pretty words are not going to make me forget you've lied to me all these years, Alessandro.”

“I know. I wasn't expecting they would,” he muttered in a quiet Copyright 2016 - 2024