Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,196

a couple of fresh tears. “Did he suffer?”

“No. He died in his sleep,” she revealed. “They said he went peacefully.”

I nodded with relief. “Are there any other news?”

“No, that's all. There's been nobody else for me,” she said with a sad smile. “I've decided to focus on May and make sure she has everything she needs.”

“That's commendable,” I uttered with sincerity. “I'm glad you’ve decided to be a mother to her.”

Trisha swallowed as though the comment hurt her. “Olivia, I should have been a mother to you as well. You were far too young to have so many responsibilities. I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness because I don't think I deserve it.”

“Trisha...” I wanted to tell her I forgave her because she was doing what I wanted her to do all along, but the front door opened and May ran into the room. Alessandro followed right after her. Both of them were covered in sweat and they appeared to be in a good mood. Their smiles disappeared the moment they saw Trisha and I were crying.

Alessandro rushed toward me and hugged me to himself. My mind told me to push him away because of the cruel lies he had let me believe all this time, but I was too upset and confused to fight. Being in his embrace felt too good and too comforting to pull away. He tilted my chin and kissed the bridge of my nose, wiping away my tears with his knuckles.

“Mom, what are Alessandro and Olivia doing?” I heard May ask, but Trisha told her to be quiet.

“Cara, are you okay?” Alessandro whispered softly, and I shook my head. He exhaled and that expression of fear settled right back onto his face. “Do you want to go home?”

I turned miserable at that suggestion and gazed at May. I didn't want to leave her when I'd longed to see her for so many years. Alessandro gave me a knowing glance.

“She can come with us and spend the night if Trisha agrees,” he suggested gently.

Just because I wasn't throwing a tantrum, it didn't mean things between us were going to be okay. Somewhere deep down, I thought Alessandro understood that. But I was wrong, instead I sensed he wanted to do whatever he could to mend the damage.

“Can I go? Can I, please?” May nagged Trisha for permission.

“You can go if Olivia feels good enough to take you with her,” Trisha said.

I looked at May and met her innocent, hopeful gaze. Suddenly, my heart filled with love, and I remembered all those beautiful moments we’d shared when she was just a baby. I sank to the floor and spread out my arms, smiling at her. She understood what I wanted and came into my embrace. “Of course, I'm going to take you with me,” I whispered as we hugged each other tightly. “I'll always take you with me, sweetie.”

For some unknown reason, Trisha tensed at my statement, but I ignored it and indulged in the hug I’ve been dreaming about for the last five years.


The Present

“Cara, are you going to hate me forever?” Alessandro inquired softly when May finally went to sleep and we were alone in our room.

How dare he! My entire body shook as the blood in my veins simmered. My growing frustration boiled over and I reacted on sheer instinct. “No, not forever,” I said half-aloud and slapped him square across the face. “Just until the day I die.”

As residues of adrenaline ripped through my system, Alessandro’s head remained tilted aside, his eyes closed in obvious tension. His features settled into an infinitely serious expression and he shuddered, expelling a long breath. Clenching my hands into fists at my sides, I anticipated an outburst of absolute fury. But then those dark eyes slowly opened, and there was not a single trace of animosity in his gaze. Nothing in his demeanor insinuated he had the slightest intention to retaliate in any way. Instead, he appeared calm and humbled, a gentle half-smile twitching his lips as his large hand neared his swollen cheek.

“You pack a mean punch, tesoro,” he whispered ever so softly, pressing his fingers against the slightly blemished skin. “You’re upset, and you have every right to be, but fighting isn’t going to solve anything. Let’s talk before either of us says or does something we’ll regret in the morning.”

“Alessandro, spare me the condescending advice,” I retorted bravely and slumped onto the mattress behind me. “I’ve made it perfectly clear I want Copyright 2016 - 2024