Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,123

even bribed them to bestow so much attention on me.

After having ignored me for an entire year, I didn't understand why he should be so concerned with the progression of my recovery. Although he never came to visit me during the day, I had lost count of the number of times I woke up in the middle of the night, only to find him sitting in that chair and watching me sleep. Sometimes he would ask if I felt any better, but—other than exchanging a few curt sentences—we didn't speak to each other. We were as distant as ever. Still, that didn't deter him from coming almost every single night.

When I was allowed home at last, Alessandro hired two nurses close to my age to care for me and keep me company during the remaining time of the recovery. Their assistance wasn't needed because the wound healed quickly and I was in a perfect state to care for myself, but I was grateful for their presence nonetheless. They made the long, boring days in the mansion easier to bear. The doctor had advised to take on some physical activity that would help me get back into shape, so I made use of the pool in the house, even though I wasn't a keen swimmer.

Every now and then, I caught glimpses of Alessandro. He’d talk to my nurses about my progress in health when I wasn't around. At times, he stared from a distance when I went swimming, but never came closer. Sometimes I dreamed his presence in the middle of the night, moaning helplessly into my pillow as the sharp scent of his expensive cologne infiltrated my senses. He became a real enigma in my eyes and his behavior confused me. But then, everything changed and returned to the way it was before the shooting.

The closer I reached a full recovery, the less I had seen of Alessandro. The nurses were discharged from their service, and I returned to my lonely and isolated existence. It was even worse than before because I didn't dare to leave the house after the incident. Nobody paid attention to my state of mind or cared about the toll that loneliness took on me. Slowly, I sank into severe depression. On more than one occasion, I was tempted to go to Alessandro and beg him to grant me some freedom, but knew that would achieve nothing. He valued his privacy more than anything and it suited him just fine to keep me hidden away like this. Nevertheless, I ached to tell him how his rigorous restrictions made me feel. And I would have done it, had he not beaten me to it.

One day, Henry barged into my room and told me Alessandro wanted to see me in his office. In all the years we were married, he had never made such a request, and the reasons why he would want to see me now left me slightly apprehensive.

I stepped into Alessandro’s office and froze on the spot. A large tall man sat across from him and rumbled through some papers as Alessandro spoke in a measured voice. The moment he saw me, he ceased speaking and his eyes sprang to mine. “Ah, I'm glad you found the time to join us, tesoro,” he said in a pleasant voice, acting like this kind of communication was completely normal between us. “Please, come inside. Do not linger by the door.”

I closed the door behind me and slowly entered the room. Alessandro's gaze burned on the white dress that clung to my body, and his scrutinizing attention made me feel so self-conscious I wrapped my arms around my middle to seek protection from whatever was coming my way.

He smiled in his usual, calculated manner and pointed to the stranger in the chair. “There is someone I would like you to meet,” he said softly and the intimidating stranger stood from the chair. “This is your new bodyguard. Not quite the Italian I've been looking for, but he comes with the best recommendations. He's quite a giant, don't you think?”

The man offered me his hand. “Broderick Matthews, ma'am, at your service.”

He sounded polite, even kind. I gave Alessandro an uncertain look, fearing he was toying with me again and this was some kind of trap.

He shook his head and laughed with rich amusement. “Well? What are you waiting for, Olivia?” he taunted, waving his hands exaggeratingly. “Don't let the poor man hang. Introduce yourself.”

I nodded jerkily and gave his Copyright 2016 - 2024