Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,122

like her just don't fit into our world.”

“Don't preach me, Lorenzo!” Alessandro lost his temper. “I don't regret a fucking thing, okay?”

“I don't think she feels the same,” Lorenzo taunted.

A long stretching silence ensued and I drowsed in and out when I heard Alessandro's voice.

“Mind your own fucking business,” he said in an irritated tone. “Did you find them?”

“Yes. Both the man and the woman. That worker in the bookstore described them to a tee. We brushed the whole city until we got the golden tip,” he spoke matter-of-factly. “They were gambling in the fucking Empire City.”

Alessandro swore under his breath. “What did you do with them?”

“I dropped them off by The Butcher...told him to care extra good care of his exclusive guests.” His voice rang with excitement.

“Did they talk?” Alessandro demanded.

“They sure did.” Lorenzo sighed. “The Russians paid them to act as a distraction and it worked like a charm. Gianluca fucking fell for it.”

“This reeks of Dimitri,” Alessandro spat out without saying anything about Gianluca. “He has gotten himself into a war. I’m going to annihilate him.”

Lorenzo laughed. “Nothing says I love you like going off on a killing rampage. Does she even know the shit you go through to keep her safe?”

“Lorenzo, get the fuck out of here before I lose my patience.”

“Hey, don't shoot the messenger. This isn't the first time you’ve waged a war for your innocent angel. Don't you remember the casualties—”

“Lorenzo,” Alessandro warned in his recognizable deadly calm and dangerous voice. It was a sign—that now would be a good time to keep your mouth shut—but Lorenzo kept talking.

“All I'm saying is, if you're going to let our men die, at least let it be for someone loyal and not this chick who is waiting for the first chance to stab you in the back.”

“Lorenzo, I'm warning you!” Alessandro snapped. “You call my wife a chick one more time, I'm going to cut out your fucking tongue!”

“Per meraviglia! I give up!” Lorenzo sounded upset. “You’ve lost your mind.”

A shot of excruciating pain travelled from my head and straight to my chest and I moaned in helpless agony.

Heavy steps drew closer, then a hand pressed against my forehead. The pain was too much to bear. I groaned again.

“She’s burning up.” I heard Alessandro whisper.

“Do you think she can hear us?” Lorenzo asked.

“No. I'm pretty sure she’s drugged out of her mind,” Alessandro said quietly.

I moaned one more time at the sharp feeling of pain.

“I don't know, man.” Lorenzo's voice turned softer. “She looks like she's in pain.”

“Go get the medic,” Alessandro bit out an order.

“Me?” Lorenzo sounded incredulous.

“Yes, you!” Alessandro asserted harshly. “Do you see anyone else in here?”

Lorenzo swore in Italian as he left the room, but he obeyed Alessandro in an instant.

The pain got stronger and I cried out, but still couldn't open my eyes.

“Hush, tesoro...the doctor is coming,” Alessandro murmured. “Hold on for just a little longer.”

A large hand caressed my hair, and I focused on the soft reassuring whispers that encouraged me to ignore the pain. In a short while, decisive steps echoed from the hallway and someone announced the doctor’s arrival. Then, everything went black again.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was daylight and Alessandro wasn't there. The room was empty. I remembered the whispers of reassurance and the gentle strokes along my hair and cheeks, and shook my head in disbelief. No, never. Not the Alessandro I knew. I clenched my jaw, realizing I must have dreamed of his presence the entire time.


The Past (2 years prior)

For the rest of my stay in the hospital, two of Alessandro's men were ever-present, guarding the door and making sure I had everything I needed. Everybody told me I was lucky to be alive because I had suffered a gunshot wound that missed my heart by less than an inch. Luck had nothing to do with it. Gianluca's loyalty to Alessandro went deep indeed. He had used his own body as a shield to protect me. In doing so, he had sacrificed his life to save mine. The feeling of guilt and immense gratitude for what he had done was all I could think about as I lay in that hospital bed.

Both the doctors and the nurses treated me with an unhealthy dose of care and respect—almost like they were afraid there would be consequences should I be displeased with their service. I was certain their unusual behavior was Alessandro's doing. He must have threatened them or possibly Copyright 2016 - 2024