Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,124

hand a light squeeze, avoiding eye contact. “Olivia Damiani,” I said in a barely audible voice, instantly letting go of the man's hand and looking at the floor.

I didn't need to look into the man's eyes to know he was baffled by my demeanor.

“Don't mind my wife,” Alessandro jumped to offer an explanation. “She's a very shy creature, but once you get to know her, you'll see she has many qualities that she sadly prefers to keep hidden from the world.”

This Broderick kept staring like he expected me to say something, but I remained silent and kept my gaze glued to the floor, baffled Alessandro should call me his wife when he had explicitly told me he did not consider himself married to me anymore. If this was one of his games, I had no intention to take part in it.

“I'm sure we'll get along,” Broderick retorted after a long break of silence. “Your wife seems to be very lovely, Sir.”

Fire heated my cheeks, and I swallowed hard. Alessandro's expression went from pleasant to somber in a split second. I could taste the building tension, but then Alessandro shrugged and smiled, regaining his relaxed composure. “Indeed,” he agreed, “I'm a lucky guy to have a woman like Olivia by my side. How long have we been married again, tesoro?”

Once again, his eyes focused solely on my presence, and his hungry gaze roamed the length of my body. I felt like I was devoured by the devil himself.

“Three years,” I muttered awkwardly.

“Three years,” Alessandro repeated in a rich drawl, leaning back in his wingback chair, crossing his ankle over his knee. “And each and every one of them a blessing.”

I could barely contain myself from wincing as he turned to my new bodyguard.

“Are you married, Broderick?”

As usual, Alessandro was in complete control of the situation. I had almost forgotten how manipulative and cunning he could be, even in trivial situations like when making small talk.

“No, Sir,” Broderick revealed. “I'm afraid I’ve just gotten out of a bad relationship.”

I lifted my head for a moment and saw something flash in Alessandro's gaze. For some reason, he didn't like the piece of information received, but was skilled enough to conceal his dissatisfaction behind an insincere, but nevertheless charming smile.

“That's a shame,” he said with false sympathy. “I hope you have more success in your next relationship.” He turned to me abruptly, without waiting for the bodyguard's reply. “Well, tesoro, what do you think? Should we keep him?”

I glanced toward Broderick and then returned my gaze to Alessandro's. “If that is what you wish,” I replied quietly.

“Don't be ridiculous,” he reprimanded. “It's your bodyguard. You get to decide if you want him or not.”

Instinctively, I peered at Broderick and met a pair of deep emerald eyes that appeared so calm and bright; like a peaceful green sea without a single wave. There was not a trace of cruelty or threat in that gaze, although he seemed fairly taken aback by the situation. Judging a person's character based on first impressions was dangerous, but I could have sworn this man wouldn't hurt a fly. But it didn't make any sense. Why would he want to work for someone like Alessandro?

“You sure know how to prolong the tension,” Alessandro teased in a deep voice. “Perhaps you disagree with my choice.”

“No. I want him to stay,” I blurted out quietly, expecting there was some kind of catch, but there wasn't.

“Then it's settled,” Alessandro muttered and looked at Broderick. “Congratulations, Mr. Matthews. You're hired. As of now, you’re the sole individual responsible for my wife's safety.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Broderick said, still looking confused. “I will take the responsibility very seriously.”

“I’m glad we understand each other. My wife is very important to me and so is her well-being,” Alessandro asserted and his eyes flashed with a flicker of amusement. “That would be all, Olivia. You can get back to your obligations now. We need to discuss some boring business stuff. Not your style.”

Glancing at Broderick one last time, I nodded and walked outside, instinctively sensing Alessandro observed my every movement until I disappeared from his line of vision. I went straight to my room and stayed there until the late hours of the evening when I decided to clear my mind and take a short swim.

I changed into a black swimsuit and put on a long white bathrobe. Then, I headed toward the pool. I always went around the same time because no one else was there. Already from Copyright 2016 - 2024