Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,110

with his usual self-confidence and charm, smiling right back and stressing it was always good to hear his presence made people happy. Dumbfounded, the woman just stared at him. Alessandro's behavior didn't come as a surprise. Nothing could catch him off guard. Nothing could make him lose his balance. He was as lethal with his tongue as he was with his weapons.

We were shown into a waiting room where a few other couples waited to see the doctor. As we took our seats, everyone cast secret glances Alessandro’s way because he stood out so much from all the other men there. My smug husband held his head high, and smirked at the curious audience, unbothered by the attention.

On the other hand, I hated being around those glowing couples because their happiness only reminded me of what I didn't have. Everyone around us was in a state of bliss, while we sat there like two distant strangers. On every other occasion, I was able to block out those bitter feelings and focus on something else. Now—with Alessandro sitting next to me—a heavy pressure settled on my chest and it was difficult to breathe. I drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to compose myself.

“Are you nervous?” Alessandro whispered in my ear.

“A little bit,” I admitted quietly. Although he probably assumed my fretting was for entirely different reasons. I gasped when he took hold of my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

“Don't be nervous,” he murmured. “I'm here for you, piccola. Everything will be okay.”

Taken aback by Alessandro's reassurance, I glanced his way and caught his blazing dark gaze. Suddenly, he didn't appear to be so different from all those other men. He looked like he was...happy to be there.

His unexpected behavior only deepened in mystery when it was our turn to enter the doctor's office. Alessandro treated me with unprecedented tenderness and care. Even the doctor seemed impressed by the numerous questions he had about the pregnancy and both mine and the baby’s health. Before I knew it, he had her under his charming spell. Suddenly, the woman who had always conducted herself with professional aloofness turned into a love-struck teenager, blushing and giggling at every single one of Alessandro's comebacks. Whenever I had a remark to make, she brushed it off, and her attention shifted straight to Alessandro. If I didn't know better, I would think my doctor flirted with my husband.

The two of them carried on for a while longer, excluding me from the conversation about my own pregnancy. At some point, I grew tired of it and cleared my throat, alerting them to my presence. Alessandro immediately picked up on my suppressed irritation and stopped talking mid-sentence. Smiling a wide smile, he apologized for his exaggerated enthusiasm and wrapped his arm around my shoulder—almost like he wanted to tell me he wasn't interested in the other woman. I didn't return his smile. I wanted him to know I didn't give a damn either way.

The conversation ended at last, and it was time for the ultrasound. I was both excited and apprehensive. The doctor instructed me to lie down on the nearby bed and pull up my shirt. Alessandro stood next to me and held my hand as the doctor spread the cold gel on my belly and pressed the probe against my skin. Both mine and Alessandro's eyes focused on the black screen.

The doctor moved the probe around my belly and—suddenly—there was an image of a tiny human being. Instinctively, I glanced toward Alessandro and my eyes blurred with tears because there was so much brightness in his gaze.

“Cara, it's our baby!” he said in sheer excitement. “Can you believe it?”

“It's beautiful,” I whispered through a lump in my throat.

He smiled at me, squeezing my hand. Then, he looked back at the screen, listening to the doctor's explanations about the baby. Alessandro was bursting with pride and happiness. I had never seen him so cheerful and relaxed. He kept staring at the image on the screen, as though he couldn’t bring himself to look away. When it was over, Alessandro didn't follow the doctor to her desk. Instead, he remained standing above me. His eyes were frozen on my face as I wiped away the remains of the gel from my stomach. Content that I had gotten most of it off, I pulled my shirt down and set the tissue aside. I was about to get up when Alessandro hugged me tightly and lowered his Copyright 2016 - 2024