Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,111

lips on my forehead.

“Ti amo, Olivia,” he murmured in a gentle whisper that rang with heavy emotion.

Breath froze in my throat as I felt his body shiver against mine. It all lasted for a mere instant before he let go of me and walked back to the doctor's desk, but I was so shocked by those words that I was absolutely speechless. Alessandro told me he loved me. He had just told me he loved me for the first time ever. I had no idea what to make of it, but I was sure he said it in the spur of the moment, and not because he really meant it.

Breathing in and out, I decided to pretend it never happened. Once composed, I got off the bed and walked to the doctor and Alessandro. They were engaged in a pleasant conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with my pregnancy. My husband stopped talking and turned to look at me when I approached them.

“Cara, why don't you go wait outside? I'll be in a moment,” he said softly. “I just need to talk to the doctor about something real quick.”

“Okay.” I didn't protest, because I already felt like the third wheel, so I just farewelled the doctor who seemed a little too happy to have Alessandro all to herself.

I walked back into the waiting room and sat down, snatching one of the pregnancy magazines displayed on the coffee table. Before I even read the title on the cover, Alessandro was already out, smiling a wide victorious smile. I wondered what he and the doctor discussed, but didn't ask. If he wanted me to know, he wouldn't have requested me to leave the office.

After the appointment, Alessandro insisted we grab some lunch together. We ended up in a local bakery and ordered two coffees and club sandwiches with bacon and eggs. Alessandro was very attentive toward me. He helped me take off my coat, and pulled out a chair for me to take a seat. Then, he walked to the counter two times to get our order, and wouldn't allow me to help.

A group of young women sat at the table behind ours and they commented on Alessandro in a way that made it very obvious they followed his every movement. According to them, he was a dream man and I was one lucky woman. I couldn't blame them for their naivete anymore than I could blame my doctor. After all, there was a time when I was head over heels in love with Alessandro, convinced he was the embodiment of perfection. Even to this day, I wasn't entirely immune to his deceiving charm and undeniable beauty. At times, all it took was one touch to destroy all my defenses against him.

“Everything okay?” Alessandro's soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts when he returned with our coffee.

I nodded. “I'm just not used to having you fuss over me like this.”

Alessandro smirked. “Well, you better get used to it, cara. You’re my wife, are you not?”

Instinct made me glance at my ringless finger. “I've been your wife for a long time now.”

“But I haven't been the kind of husband you deserve.” His eyes froze on that same finger, as though he knew.

“If you say so,” I muttered, and lowered my hand to my lap, devoured by the sudden feeling of self-consciousness.

“That’s a very diplomatic answer, cara,” Alessandro reprimanded softly.

Deciding to play along. I inclined my head, regarding him thoughtfully. “What kind of an answer would you like to receive?”

His espresso cup clinked loudly as he placed it back onto the saucer, and pinned me with a serious stare. “The one that describes how you feel.”

I gazed at him as he reached across the table and put my hands in between his.

“I know I messed up badly, Olivia. There isn't much I can do to erase the past, but I can make sure that it never happens again.”

I tore my hands from his and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Olivia, don't fall for it. “The only way you can make sure it doesn't happen again is if we create some distance between us.” I clung onto the hope he would consider giving me a divorce.

“Cara, we have a baby on the way,” Alessandro asserted.

“We could agree on visitation,” I suggested. “I wouldn't be difficult about it.” It was a lie. It would be very difficult if he exposed our child to guns and violence, but he didn't need to Copyright 2016 - 2024