Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,109

did he. Alessandro ran out of questions and I had no more answers. The situation we existed in was as clear as day, and there was no solution in sight. I still had to endure. I still had to keep living in this endless limbo, not knowing what awaited me in the future. My own fate held no importance. The only thing that mattered was my baby. I would do anything to protect it.


The Present

In the early hours of the morning, Alessandro's phone lit up and vibrated on the nightstand. He swore quietly and reached for it, careful not to disturb me. My head was still pressed against his chest and his fingers made soothing circular motions along my shoulder as he picked up the phone.


My eyes were still closed, but I felt the vibrations of Alessandro's deep voice spreading through his chest. I gathered Lorenzo was really upset about something, and Alessandro was reassuring him that he was on his way. When he hung up the phone, he gently rearranged my head onto the pillow and gave me a quick kiss on my temple. I opened my eyes, and met his dark gaze.

“Go back to sleep, cara,” he murmured. “I have to take care of something urgent. Perhaps we can grab some lunch together. I want to talk to you about something.”

“I can't. I have to go to the hospital.” Now that he had revealed he knew I was pregnant and he could track the cars, there was no point in hiding anything.

His pupils dilated. “What is the matter, cara. Are you okay?”

“I'm okay.” I smiled shortly. “It’s just an ultrasound appointment to make sure the baby is doing fine. It's a standard procedure. Nothing to worry about.”

A flicker of lightning flashed in his eyes, and he expelled a harsh breath. “I'm coming with you,” he said, and took hold of the phone again, dialing what I assumed was Lorenzo's number.

“Alessandro, you don't—”

Before I could finish that sentence, Alessandro already had Lorenzo on the line and was telling him there’d been a change of plans. It was more than obvious Lorenzo wasn't happy about it because Alessandro rolled his eyes a couple of times and repeatedly stressed something more important came up. But Lorenzo wouldn’t listen and Alessandro yelled at him to get his act together, ending the call mid conversation.

“Madre di Dio, I could strangle him right now!” He shook his head in slight anger.

“Alessandro, you don't have to do this,” I assured him. “Lorenzo seems to need you more than I do. Why don't you just go and help him?”

“Cara, you come first.” His voice came out much softer. “The business can wait. Lorenzo will have to take care of it himself.”

“I'll be fine,” I stressed.

“I don't care. I want to be there,” Alessandro argued in a light voice. “I’ve already missed out on all of your appointments as it is. I don't want the doctor to kill me.”

“I'm pretty sure the doctor doesn't care,” I lied, hopping out of bed and donning my silk robe. “Besides, what is one more appointment? You can accompany me to the next.”

It was the first time I would see my baby on the ultrasound. Although I knew it was selfish of me, I hoped to keep that moment for myself. But Alessandro wouldn't have it.

“Cara, it's very nice you’re so kind and understanding, but I want to be involved,” he asserted as he shot out of the bed. “This is my baby as well.”

I expelled a breath of frustration and relented because he gave me no other choice. “Of course, Alessandro. If that’s what you want, we can go together.”

“Thank you. That’s exactly what I want,” he said, and disappeared into the bathroom.

We had breakfast together and then we drove to the hospital. The ride went by in silence. I kept my distance from Alessandro, and he left me in relative peace. I wasn't happy he accompanied me to the doctor's appointment. It felt like I was being robbed of something special. I knew I was irrational. After all, it was his baby as well, but I had a huge problem with Alessandro coming closer and working his way in again. Sharing these intimate moments with him was dangerous. I didn't want any emotions involved.

The doctor's assistant didn't fail to throw a sarcastic comment Alessandro's way when we arrived. Putting on a sly smile, she expressed how delighted she was to meet my husband at last. He took it Copyright 2016 - 2024