The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,33

think he meant it about Monty fighting dirty? Never mind, foolish question. Here's a better one—do you know how to fight dirty yourself?"

"If he doesn't, I know a few moves I've seen on the streets." Lucian spoke before I could answer. He glanced around the table with a knowing gaze. "I'd imagine we all know some sneaky tricks and bullshit moves we can help practice before he goes toe to toe with that fucker. No offense, Elisha."

Elisha quickly shook his head. "None taken. My father isn't a very nice man, and I've never met an alpha more deserving to lead this pack than Matt. My mate is too pure to fight dirty, so I'd appreciate all the help he can get to get ready. In fact, I can offer a few pointers because I've seen my father fight so many times, I can tell Matt which moves to anticipate."

While they all discussed how I should fight, I was thinking about what came after, when I would have two packs on my hands. If I won the challenge—when I won—they would both be rightfully mine. Considering the idea, I waited for a pause to discuss what Elisha brought up at breakfast. My mate was proving himself to be every bit as astute and forward-thinking as I'd expected. His observations and ideas were exactly what we needed around here. As soon as I saw my opening, I touched Elisha's hand to get his attention.

"Remember our earlier talk about the pack houses and how some members of the Newberry Springs pack might want to move here?" As he nodded, I continued. "I was thinking, and you're right. And along the same vein, some of our people might want to stay in their town. Although I do plan to put a stop to the criminal enterprises going on. But I keep coming back to this: at the end of the day, there will still be two separate packs. Even if they are all sworn to me, geography alone will keep us apart."

Elisha leaned back in his chair, resting his hands on his baby bump. "True. And it'll be difficult for us to focus on everything needing to be done here and do justice to the pack left over there. Do you have anything in mind, or did you want to talk it out?"

Smiling, I leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I love how logical you are, little wolf. And yes, I do have an idea, but I'd like your approval. Not simply because I want us to lead as a team, but Newberry Springs is your home pack, and none of us know them like you do."

"So what are you thinking?" His eyes lit with interest as he studied me.

"After I win the challenge, we've already agreed this town needs a lot of work. I'll be stretched too thin to go back and forth, especially with a baby on the way. What we need is another alpha. Someone willing to step up and run Newberry Springs with our blessing. Pack members can choose which one they want to stay with or move to, as the case may be. The ones here will help rebuild the town. The ones who go to Newberry Springs can help the new alpha decide the plan for whatever parts of the underground city aren't on government land."

Elisha slowly turned to look around the table. "Not only do I approve of your idea, but I think it's rather handy we have four alphas right here who you already trust."

Grinning from ear to ear, I turned to my friends. "I swear, it's like he can read my mind. Next question. Would any of you be interested in running the pack?"

Lucian was the lone one to shake his head no. "I'm not looking for a pack, you know that. No pack wanted me when I needed one, so I don't want one now. Bad blood aside, allow me to be the neutral party and ask what your intentions would be for whoever takes over Newberry Springs on your behalf. Are you looking at it as an offshoot of Lucerne Valley, and the alpha would answer to you? Or are you basically giving away a pack?"

Elisha grimaced leaning over the arm of the chair, so I met him halfway as he whispered in my ear. After he was finished, I had a better idea of how to answer. Elisha's thoughts were on the same page as my own, but his response was more Copyright 2016 - 2024