The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,32

was something. Listen, son. I'm not sure what you think I can do for you, but I don't know if you want to challenge Monty Whitetail.”

Turning to look into Elisha's eyes, I responded. "That is exactly why I'm calling. I would like to request an official referee for a retaliatory alpha battle between myself and the alpha of Newberry Springs, Montgomery Whitetail. According to the rules given to us by the Supreme Wolf Council of the United States, I'm within my rights to issue a challenge. And not only do I have one valid reason, I have three."

"Aw, hell. This is why I hate Mondays. Go on then, tell me your three reasons." As soon as he finished speaking, he gulped and burped as china rattled in the background. Clearly, I'd interrupted his breakfast.

"You already know the first reason—this pack was my birthright. A Longclaw alpha has led Lucerne Valley since the pack was formed. Secondly, Alpha Whitetail challenged the previous alpha, my uncle, and won. His retaliatory challenge was based on my Uncle Horace stealing his omega son and claiming him for a mate. While this was true, Mr. Whitetail left out a few details when he presented his case to you."

TC Woodlawn tutted. "I don't know where you got your information, son. But I went over Monty's application with a fine-toothed comb. I know the man can be tricky, but his son Elisha was already promised to another pack's Alpha. I have a notarized statement from the deltas escorting him from Newberry Springs."

As much as hearing Elisha referred to merely as the omega rankled, I still smiled because I had the upper hand. "Correct, except for one small problem. Monty put the incorrect date on the application, and any notarized statements saying he was taken within the past ninety days are nothing but lies. The Lucerne Valley Gamma Council is ready to produce notarized statements stating Elisha has been part of this pack for the past six months."

"What a fucking liar. I thought for once he was telling the truth because there was proof. Let me guess, he waited six months because he was trying to work a deal with Horace?" TC Woodlawn's enraged tone went a long way toward making me respect the man. "And when Horace refused to pay up, Monty decided to use Council Law in his favor. Son of a bitch."

"If his lies aren’t enough reason for me to issue a challenge, allow me to give you my third. Monty failed to provide an alpha to save his son after killing his bonded mate. When the pack reached out to me, Elisha was hours away from dying of aconite poisoning. I stepped up to save his life, first and foremost. In the process, I discovered Elisha is my true mate.”

TC Woodlawn clucked his tongue against his teeth. "Damn straight it does. I'm guessing you don't want a first blood challenge—I believe you mentioned you wanted a retaliatory one?"

"Come on, Ash. You and I both know a ceremonial challenge would never work. I'd have to watch my back for the rest of my days. And chances are those wouldn't be long because Monty would find a way to get me in the back first chance he got."

"So you know what you will be dealing with, then. Okay, let me say unofficially I wish you the best. Now for the important part. Alpha Longclaw, as Territory Chief of the great state of California, I officially accept your reasons for placing a retaliatory challenge against Montgomery Whitetail of the Newberry Springs pack. The Alpha failed to provide a reasonable replacement for the First Mate of Lucerne Valley upon the death of his Alpha, and for this failure alone, the Supreme Wolf Council of the United States will support your right."

After a pause, his throaty chuckle burst into the room. "Official enough for you, Matt? Good talk, son. I'll be in touch with the time and date of your challenge. Until then, practice every dirty trick you've ever heard of because Monty will try them all."

"Thanks, Ash. Both for the heads up and your patience while I walked you through this whole sordid mess. I look forward to getting to know you better after this is all over. Maybe Lucerne Valley can finally put our fancy guest room to use, reserved for when you visit." After a little bit more small talk, the call ended, and I sat back to release a relieved breath.

Jared spoke first. "Do you Copyright 2016 - 2024